Wednesday 25 October 2017

Masterforex Borneo Sultanate

Carta a Ibrahim Ali (jefe de Perkasa) del Dr. Muqtedar Khan, Director del Estudio Islámico en la Universidad de Delaware. DOMINGO, 27 DE ENERO DE 2013 Ibrahim Ali Somos Diferentes. Ibrahim Ali, que abiertamente llamó a los musulmanes a quemar Bibles aquí en Malasia, si esto hubiera sido dicho por algunos no musulmanes sobre el Corán que habría destrozado estragos en todo el mundo, youd ver demostraciones, e incluso matanzas tal es la respuesta , Esa es la reacción típica que habríamos presenciado, no que estoy diciendo que todos los musulmanes son de esa manera, pero que habría sido la reacción general de Beirut a Yakarta, de Nueva York a Londres en todo el mundo y eso es un hecho. Si se hiciera en el mundo musulmán, el hombre que dijo algo semejante sobre el Corán no sería más y, sin embargo, tiene el doble rasero, está bien que digan lo que quieran, como les gusta atacar a otros pueblos Creencias sagradas, y supongo que usted tiene razón la constitución federal garantiza la libertad de expresión y expresión, pero cuando alguien más utiliza esta libertad en tales circunstancias usted llorar por la sangre, usted pide que esa persona sea acusado y asesinado, ¿qué es esto en usted Me pregunto. No sólo yo que está tratando de averiguar esto es todo el mundo, ¿por qué se siente que son las únicas personas en el mundo que se les da un dios Alá derecho a hacer esas cosas, el abuso de otros, el uso de otros, defile Otras creencias de los pueblos y lugares de culto, y eso está bien, como si fueras la única gente justa en este mundo entero, y los demás te deben todo el respeto. Me alegro de que la gran mayoría de los musulmanes no se adhieran a su manera estrecha de pensar, al igual que la mayoría de los cristianos no suscriben al fundamentalismo cristiano. De hecho, usted protestará contra cualquier musulmán que incluso susurra algo sobre el Islam a unas 20.000 millas de distancia. Las protestas que siguieron a ese incidente de los musulmanes en Kuala Lumpur no habrían sido dirigidas por nadie más que ustedes, y eso también es un hecho, pero ustedes ven que nosotros los cristianos no tratamos esos asuntos de esa manera. Ahora imagine lo que habría pasado si compartiera esta pieza con la gente en países como Holanda, Nueva York, Londres y Australia, no tengo la intención de hacerlo, usted ve que soy cristiano y no es así como respondemos. No nos inclinaremos a hacer lo que han hecho, somos diferentes somos cristianos. Usted ve que Nuestro Señor Jesucristo nos pidió amar a los que nos persiguen, que nos dicen mentiras acerca de nosotros, que nos hacen cosas malas, porque no hay grandeza en amar a los que te aman, incluso los más grandes delincuentes en el mundo lo hacen, Incluso los más malvados en el mundo aman a los que los aman, así que no hay nada grande en eso. Id más bien detener como usted puede interpretar como proselitismo una de las cosas que nos acusan de hacer y una de las razones por las que dices por qué no quieres que utilicemos la palabra Alá en nuestras Biblias malas. Usted llamó a la quema de las Biblias porque usted dice que hay un grupo que intentó hacer proselitismo con los musulmanes, que usted realmente sabe que es totalmente fabricado y tengo la extraña sensación de que usted es el que está girando este rumor, alimentado por su patrocinador para intentar Y unir a los malayos usando la religión, no dejes que te use de esta manera. Proseltyisng de los cristianos en las zonas rurales y pobres, ofreciendo recompensa monitoria ha sido el orden del día y ya que sucede debe ser recíproco, no se puede reclamar un derecho sólo para usted y sus creencias por sí solo, nuestras creencias son sagrados para nosotros también La constitución de este país garantiza a todos los ciudadanos, independientemente de su raza o credo, la libertad de religión. No impedimos que los cristianos acepten la fe islámica en todo el mundo no sólo en Malasia, así que ¿por qué creen que tienen derecho a este derecho, País donde la Constitución garantiza la libertad de religión a todos, incluyendo a los musulmanes Los cristianos que abrazaron el Islam como la esposa de Abdullah Ahmad Badawi reconocen orgullosamente que lo han hecho y, sin embargo, a veces le llevamos a personas que buscan a cadáveres reclamando a la persona convertida al Islam, Y eso también es algo que sus cónyuges nunca saben, es realmente desconcertante, ¿alguna vez se sentó y reflexionó por qué una persona abrazar una religión y mantenerlo en secreto ¿No querría decirle a sus parientes más cercanos al menos sobre él si realmente lo hizo Abrazar la religión por el amor de ella Bien, por supuesto, en este país si un musulmán abraza otra religión que es una historia diferente. Él no se lo dirá a usted ni a ningún otro musulmán hasta que se acerque lo suficiente para confiar en usted porque él todavía querría compartir la alegría de la otra religión con sus seres cercanos, ya que es un sistema de creencias, es acerca de Dios, pero él será Muy cuidadoso diciéndolo a un musulmán, y sabes por qué no te lo dirá, en caso de que no me preguntes por favor y le diré por qué. Su arrogancia, en parte, proviene del apoyo y aliento que le ha concedido el Dr. Tun Mahahtir Bin Mohammed, ex Primer Ministro de Malasia, nuestro amado país, y un hombre que ha intentado, sin éxito, presentarse como musulmán moderado, Todo el asunto de Alá fue creado por él en lugar de por los ministros menos inteligentes que una vez le sirvieron en el gobierno como muchos pueden creer, porque no son más que los peones que utiliza para su propio propósito hasta el día de hoy como él lo hace. De hecho, el día en que emitió su llamado para quemar Biblias Cristianas, él entregó la dirección de Key Note en la reunión de su ONG Perkasa. Él es visto como su patrocinador principal Id gustaría dejar que el mundo sabe lo engañoso que es esta persona. De hecho, el mundo ya lo hace, pero tengo que mostrarles que él realmente no ha cambiado sus puntos de vista y sus formas dudosas. Incitar la violencia sectaria y el uso de la religión para fines políticos han sido el dominio de tales personas, para ellos los fines justifica los medios, y usted ingenuo como usted (estoy tratando de ser educado aquí) que son la herramienta de este hombre que ha leído Te gusta un libro y te usa en cada rincón, es famoso por esto y es por eso que Nazri un ministro de su propio gabinete alguna vez se refirió a él como un racista sangriento. Ahora, por otro lado, estamos agraviados por lo que dijiste, pero recuerda que los cristianos usaron el término Alá mucho antes de que los musulmanes lo hicieran, no creo que tengas la capacidad mental de entenderlo, así que no voy a perseguirlo contigo. Sé que, como yo, crees que Alá fue el creador de todo el Universo y de todo lo que hay en él y que incluye a ti ya mí, a menos que por supuesto elijas creer lo contrario. Ahora bien, si usted cree eso, entonces es el mismo Alá que nos hizo a usted ya mí lo que está mal en mi llamamiento a la misma Alá. Si alguien debería haber enojado y sentimental estilo UMNO, debería haber sido los primeros cristianos y otros que solían Orar a Allah antes de que los musulmanes como el Alá precede al Islam, pero que no puede ser el caso y todos, incluyendo a los musulmanes de los primeros días e incluso hoy en día entender que Allah es Dios y como tal nadie puede reclamar derecho a Allah. Alá no puede y no debe ser un problema, es blasfemo, Alá está por encima de todas estas cosas y no deberíamos atraer a Alá en mezquinas disputas, especialmente si es para fines políticos, es decir, la firma de su mentor, él usa cualquier cosa incluso Allah por sus propios fines. Pediremos a todos los fieles cristianos que oren por ustedes, oren para que comprendan mejor y salgan de esta oscuridad que los ciega para que puedan ver la luz. Eso es lo que se nos ordena hacer. Rezaremos para que seas un musulmán mejor, como los otros que conozco. Realmente no te culpo, ¿cómo puedo yo no creo que nadie realmente lo hace, no usted y yo le digo por qué. Nos damos cuenta de tus defectos, Nazri una vez nos dijo que sólo hablas tonterías y nadie te toma en serio, es por eso que no eres arrestado por todos estos estallidos, cualquier otro malasio supongo que habría sido arrestado, pero sabemos que el Jefe Mufti de Perak Por lo que Nazri no puede ser correcto, si dije o hice algo, algo mucho menos agresivo para los musulmanes que el Ministro del Interior me hubiera hecho arrestar de inmediato como una amenaza para la nación, Pero usted ve que no está en mi educación cristiana decir cosas contra su fe y sus creencias. Alguien más en Malasia habría sido arrestado, usted es el único que quedó fuera del anzuelo, y sólo puede haber dos razones, una es que son utilizados por algunas personas muy poderosas, la otra es como Nazri quiere hacernos creer, usted Son tan estúpidos, que eres el único en el país que se le da esta excepción, y me suplica a diferenciar con Nazri, no puede ser sólo usted, porque ahora parece ser el grupo de distribuir volantes pidiendo a la gente a asistir a la quema de Biblias En Butterworth este domingo. Así que usted ve que hay otros como usted también, y por lo que Nazri puede ser completamente correcto. Voy a tratar de hacer sentido con usted, la palabra Allah es árabe, es también la palabra malaya para Dios, y se ha utilizado en las biblias malas desde el siglo 16, es utilizado por los cristianos de todo el mundo y su excusa, que es Esta excusa de los gobiernos también es que, confundirá a los musulmanes malayos. Bueno, nunca ha confundido a millones de indonesios, los bangladesíes, los árabes y el resto del mundo musulmán hasta el momento, y desde el siglo XVI hasta nuestros días no ha confundido a los malayos, ¿nos están diciendo ahora que los malayos han ido Hacia atrás desde nuestra independencia bajo este gobierno de Barisan Nasional que ahora no pueden razonar tan bien como lo hicieron entonces Nosotros los malasios siempre pensamos que los musulmanes de Malasia eran mucho más progresistas y tolerantes y moderados como algunos nos describirían, creo que también hasta el día de hoy , Pero elementos como tú, el desastre de nuestra sociedad con el respaldo del gobierno del día y, junto con la protección policial, se desarrollan con un reino libre promoviendo la violencia contra los cristianos por absolutamente ninguna razón. Como no musulmán, déjame darte este consejo, decir y hacer lo que quieras si no te gustan, pero no usas la religión para respaldarte, no uses el Islam para ganar apoyo para lo que estás diciendo y para el tuyo y Los fines egoístas de sus fines políticos. Ahora se ha vuelto a usar la religión para convertir musulmanes agaisnt musulmanes esto se está haciendo porque tienes miedo PAS y PKR expulsar UMNO, pero créanme que no le hará daño, que una vez fue expulsado de UMNO, Mahahtir como usted sabe nunca realmente Te ha gustado, todo lo que hace es saber que te está usando, de la misma manera que usó a todos los malayos y por eso los malayos se alejan de UMNO. Usted también debe dejar UMNO, una vez que ganan será un fastidio para ellos, si Nazri puede hacernos creer que usted es un tonto en este momento shoudl saber qué esperar si obtienen lo que quieren de usted. No le estoy diciendo que unirse a PKR o PAS puede votar el BN por todo lo que nos importa, pero cuidado que van a volcarte de nuevo, y no han hecho ningún secreto de que piensan que eres tonto, Nazri dijo una vez, nadie toma Usted en serio, y que es en realidad la verdad. Ahora, Ibrahim, mi amigo, permítame que lea lo que su Santo Profeta dijo acerca de nosotros los cristianos, de hecho usted como musulmán es advertido por el Profeta sobre cómo tratar a los cristianos. Este es un mensaje de Muhammad ibn Abdullah, como un pacto para los que adoptan El cristianismo, cerca y lejos, estamos con ellos. Ciertamente, los siervos, los ayudantes y mis seguidores los defienden, porque los cristianos son mis ciudadanos y por Allah resisto a todo lo que les desagrada. Ninguna obligación es estar en ellos. Tampoco son sus jueces a ser retirados de sus puestos de trabajo ni sus monjes de sus monasterios. Nadie debe destruir una casa de su religión, dañarla, ni llevar nada de ella a las casas de los musulmanes. Si alguien tomara alguno de estos, estropearía el pacto de Dios y desobedecería a Su Profeta. Verdaderamente, son mis aliados y tienen mi seguro acuerdo contra todo lo que odian. Nadie debe forzarlos a viajar o obligarlos a luchar. Los musulmanes deben luchar por ellos. Si una mujer cristiana está casada con un musulmán, no se llevará a cabo sin su aprobación. Ella no debe ser impedida de visitar a su iglesia para orar. Sus iglesias deben ser respetadas. No deben ser impedidos de repararlos ni la santidad de sus convenios. Nadie de la nación (los musulmanes) es desobedecer el pacto hasta el último día (fin del mundo). La pregunta que quiero hacer es ¿Es usted Ibrahim Ali una religiosa musulmana? El Dr. Muqtedar Khan es Director de Estudios Islámicos de la Universidad de Delaware y miembro del Instituto de Política Social y Entendimiento. O, LA MADRE DE TODAS LAS COMISIONES DE INVESTIGACIÓN de Fritz Nuremberg, Donplaypuks174 intrépido corresponsal del saqueo económico y el abuso de los asuntos de poder. Hace unos días, me contactó X, un amigo de un amigo de Londres. X me informó fiablemente que sus revelaciones tendrán un enorme impacto en los asuntos financieros y políticos de nuestro país en los próximos meses. El ex primer ministro de Malasia, Dr. Mahathir Mohamad y su Fundación Perdana, lanzaron en Kuala Lumpur, en 2011, su propio Tribunal de Crímenes de Guerra, Crimen contra la Humanidad e Investigación de Genocidio contra Bush y Blair. En un giro macabro de los acontecimientos, X dijo que parecería que un grupo de malayos convocará pronto una investigación privada en Londres, para responsabilizar a personas como Mahathir y el actual primer ministro de Malasia, Najib, por, entre otras cosas, Corrupción, abuso de poder y saqueo económico en Malasia. X reveló que un grupo de ciudadanos de Malasia que poseen el permiso de residencia permanente o permiso de trabajo en el Reino Unido y Australia, ha decidido iniciar una investigación privada financiada por ellos mismos para identificar individuos, grupos y corporaciones y sus propietarios responsables del saqueo económico a gran escala, Saqueos, fraude, corrupción y abuso de poder durante los últimos 30 años en Malasia. Parte de esta investigación se centrará en el blanqueo de dinero fuera de Malasia, estimado en un mínimo de 250 millones de dólares, en contravención de las reglas del Banco Negara Malasia. Este grupo, que se llama a sí mismo la Comisión Privada de Investigación de Londres sobre la Corrupción en Malasia (LPCICM). Aparentemente incluye a algunos jinetes, abogados, contadores, auditores, investigadores financieros, oficiales de sucursales y de impuesto a la renta muy ricos, jubilados y experimentados y jubilados de Malasia. LPCICM está dispuesto a disipar sospechas y acusaciones de que se está embarcando en una caza de brujas. Se ha jurado continuar su trabajo hasta la conclusión independientemente del resultado de la elección general que se celebrará en 2013. LPCICM, obviamente, sostiene la opinión de que un gobierno bajo el control del actual partido gobernante en Malasia NUNCA tendrá una Comisión Real de Investigación en Las cuestiones que ha identificado, sobre todo porque, él y sus funcionarios son supuestamente partes en algunos de los encubrimientos más vergonzosamente masiva por cualquier gobierno en memoria viva, si no, la historia misma Como X lo puso, 8220E. S. Shankar8217s 2012 ficción / sátira / novela literaria, 8216Tiger Isle-A Gobierno de Thieves8217 parece tan surreally apt en describir este régimen a un T8221 (CLICK AQUÍ). LPCICM aparentemente comenzó su tarea de reunir pruebas hace más de un año. X informó que a través de su red secreta, privada y confidencial de informantes y denunciantes, LPCICM ha obtenido copias de TODOS los principales contratos gubernamentales de privatización (conocidos en Malasia como piratería) y Contratos y documentos / memorandos / correos electrónicos y correspondencia, inconstitucional y Por lo tanto, ilegalmente, clasificado entre 1980-2013 bajo la Ley de Secretos Oficiales. LPCICM también ha tenido bastante éxito en el rastreo de la salida ilegal de fondos de contratistas y agentes a malayos culpables que sostienen dinero sucio en cuentas bancarias secretas en paraísos fiscales off-shore como Zurich en Suiza, Islas del Canal, Luxemburgo, Seychelles, Maldivas y similares, Así como Singapur, Australia y el Reino Unido. X enumeró la misión de LPCICM8217s para investigar: 1. Corrupción en cualquier forma, forma o nombre. 2. Abuso de poder, especialmente por ganancias monetarias o políticas. 3. Incumplimiento del Ministerio de Justicia, Procurador General y del Poder Judicial para investigar y procesar de conformidad con la ley y las normas internacionales, especialmente en los casos de homicidio y en los casos relacionados con el partido gobernante o con organizaciones de medios de propiedad o controladas por el Gobierno. Un ciudadano de Malasia ha acusado abiertamente a PM Najib ya su esposa de participar en asesinatos, corrupción y abuso de poder. ¿Qué están haciendo el Inspector General de la Policía y el MACC? 4. Incumplimiento del Gobierno para defender la independencia e integridad del Poder Judicial. 5. Incumplimiento por parte de las autoridades competentes de investigaciones sobre cientos de casos de muertes en la policía y otros funcionarios custodia. 1. Los primeros ministros, ministros de gabinete, ministros adjuntos, senadores, ministros principales y sus ayudantes, y sus familiares inmediatos, los padres, los hermanos y los hermanos Parientes 2. Los CEOs de varias Sociedades Cotizadas y Bancos identificados como pertenecientes a una Compañía, y los de las Empresas y Fondos Relacionados con el Gobierno, tales como Khazanah, PNB, Prasarna, Iskandar, etc. 3. Principales Funcionarios, Ejércitos / Marina / Almirantes, Policía y Funcionarios Anticorrupción. 4. Funcionarios superiores en BNM, KLSE y el SC. Investigadores expertos de experiencia internacional y de pie, informantes, denunciantes y otros voluntarios están programados para presentar sus hallazgos en la audiencia de LPCICM, en un lugar y fecha que se anunciará a su debido tiempo. LPCICM publicará su programa completo, el cronograma y el alcance completo y los términos de referencia de su investigación, tan pronto como sus investigaciones sean completadas. Cualquier parte agraviada puede ser permitida (a discreción absoluta de LPCICM8217, en persona solamente, y en ausencia de sus representantes legales) para refutar cualquier testimonio, pero sólo si se presenta razonablemente anticipada la solicitud previa a LPCICM. LPCICM nombrará nombres. Y publicar sus conclusiones detalladas sin censura en Internet, y presentar copias impresas de ella a: 1. Las Naciones Unidas. 2. Los Gobiernos del Reino Unido, Australia, Estados Unidos, Francia, Alemania, China, Japón e India. 3. El Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI). 5. Organización de Países Islámicos (OCI). Parece que LPCICM ya ha iniciado el proceso de proporcionar pruebas a algunos bancos suizos para congelar las cuentas bancarias en dólares estadounidenses clandestinamente operadas de algunos malayos que supuestamente lavaron cientos de millones de dólares, acumulados a través del dispositivo de sobornos y contratos inflados. LPCICM espera que eventualmente todos estos dineros sean repatriados a Malasia, en condiciones que se inviertan en fondos soberanos, gestionados de forma transparente por sus nominados profesionales impecablemente impecables, para el beneficio de todos los malasios. Esto suena como la MADRE DE TODAS LAS INVESTIGACIONES ESTÁN PLANEADAS Mucho más que decir que he revelado anteriormente. Pero nos atrevemos a esperar que LPCICM se convierta en una realidad Atrévete a que un Gobierno de ladrones se haga responsable y se haga para pagar por sus desgraciadas despreciables Ahora parece que, de una manera espeluznante, Najib el alumno, puede arrastrar a su antiguo maestro , Mahathir, junto con todos sus compinches, a una mayor ignominia y, posiblemente, a largo plazo detrás de las barras Deje que las esposas de los ex magistrados en jefe, los fiscales y los propietarios de las empresas públicas cotizadas que tan fácilmente abrazar directamente negociado sweetheart land acquisition, Los contratos de MRT, los CEOs de los fondos de inversión financiados por el Estado que sospechosamente adquieren a las compañías IPP moribundas a precios fantasiosos, los dejan a todos, saqueadores y saqueadores, temblando de temor a que su día de juicio no sea lejano. Inminente ¿Pueden manejar la verdad? Quizás, la investigación LPCICM podría buscar resolver, entre muchas otras, preguntas como: 1. ¿Por qué Petronas adquirió 100 de KLCC (por unos 4 mil millones), cuando es sabido que el control de la junta y de la gerencia podría Se han asegurado con 30 participaciones 2. ¿Por qué MAHB se embarcó en la construcción de la Terminal LCCT2 en KLIA, ahora se rumorea que superan los 4 mil millones de costos que juraron no ser violado, cuando Air Asia había planeado, y ha puesto en práctica, su política de Trasladar su sede regional a Yakarta 3. Por qué un ex jefe de la SC, un banquero destacado y un conocido CEO de la Compañía de Fideicomisos Gubernamentales no fueron procesados ​​a pesar de haber proporcionado SD juramentadas para cargos directivos / accionistas en la lista abortada de una empresa de alimentos que tenía Envió información engañosa al KLSE 4. ¿Por qué un SC Telco fue desatado por el SC cuando dentro de un mes después de tomar privado itsef, vendió una participación material a una prima enorme (varios cientos de millones ringgit) a los inversores extranjeros, cuando su 5. ¿Por qué un jefe de un partido político BN importante se le permitió renunciar a la presidencia de un Plc implicado en el mayor fraude contable (500 millones) en la historia de Malasia, sin ser acusado por un solo delito Por el KLSE / SC, por ejemplo Negligencia, incumplimiento de obligaciones fiduciarias, durmiendo en el trabajo, etc. 6. ¿Por qué no se ha iniciado el enjuiciamiento de información privilegiada contra el marido de un antiguo jefe de SC, a pesar de la opinión pública respaldada por la opinión confiable de los principales analistas aquí y en Singapur? Clara violación de la ley 7. ¿Por qué en el fraude financiero de 250 millones de dólares Cowgate Bangsar Condo, nadie ha sido acusado de dispensar 2 millones en sobornos, mientras que el receptor está siendo procesado ¿Cómo podría un director de gestión de PhD han sido engañados en la firma de cheques para Sobornos Según lo informado por X, los antecedentes con los que los miembros fundadores de LPCICM en Australia y Londres fueron obligados a actuar, por amor a Malasia y para asegurar su futuro sobre una base, estructura y liderazgo más sólidos, son los siguientes: NO SEPARACIÓN De acuerdo con X, basado en encuestas secretas realizadas por él y sus cohortes, hasta 2/3 de la población de 27 millones en Malasia están convencidos de que el principio de Separación de Poderes según lo previsto por nuestros padres fundadores y consagrado en la 1957, ya no existe. Parece que varios de los principales miembros del Poder Judicial, de la Policía, del MACC, de la Administración Pública y de otros organismos, instituciones y órganos de investigación y de investigación (como la CE, el KLSE, el SC y el BNM) han sido amenazados, silenciados, Irremisiblemente comprometidos o comprados por elementos pícaros dentro de la rama ejecutiva del Gobierno durante los últimos 30 años, impidiéndoles investigar o emprender acciones legales contra saqueos económicos y económicos masivos, fraude, incumplimiento de deberes fiduciarios y abuso de poder por parte de ciertos miembros Del partido gobernante y su fraude emprendedor y otros compinches. El ataque a nuestros derechos y protección constitucionales fue deliberado. La paja que rompió el camel8217s tras el odioso atentado contra los derechos humanos ordenado por Mahathir, fue el saqueo en 1988 de Tun Salleh Abbas, Presidente del Tribunal Supremo de Malasia, orquestado una vez más por ninguno (CLICK HERE) Con excepción de Mahathir. Ambos incidentes ocurrieron en un momento en que Mahathirs y UMNOs se apoderaban del poder se estaba volviendo extremadamente tenue. Había serias dudas en aquel momento de que Mahathir pudiera aferrarse al poder, dado el enorme descontento que se estaba gestando dentro de su propio partido, UMNO. En el caso, Mahathir hizo un Houdini, y continuó en la oficina hasta 2003, después de substituir el viejo UMNO con UMNO Baru (nuevo) que seguía siendo su herramienta obediente. ¿Cómo 100 de los activos que ascendían a varios miles de millones de ringgit y pertenecientes a los miembros de un partido político, puede ser transferido a un partido político recién incorporado que comprende un nuevo conjunto de miembros, debe seguir siendo un misterio. Sin embargo, un juez malayo creó una primera en la historia jurídica mundial. Mahathir finalmente, voluntariamente renunció como primer ministro, después de 22 años en el cargo. Pero los látigos de 1987 y 1988 que Mahathir agrietó fueron suficientes para aterrorizar a la mayoría de cualquier oposición real a muchas de sus políticas monetarias mal pensadas. La realidad, sin embargo, es que los motivos para establecer la forma de gobierno y gobernanza que Mahathir practicó y legó a sus sucesores - dictadura benevolente, autocrática, de arriba hacia abajo, fiat-driven, lo llaman lo que quieras - tenían sus raíces en varios Los escándalos financieros de miles de millones de ringgit anteriores ignorados por nuestro Gobierno y Mahathir. FRAUDE ECONÓMICO Y AMPLIACIÓN Medido puramente en términos de ringgit, los 4 billones de fraudes de Bank Bumiputra (CLICK HERE), los 6 mil millones de Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) , Y los 2 mil millones de fiebre de estaño de Maminco (CLICK AQUÍ) se suman a sí mismos a un asombroso 22 mil millones. Pero el factor en las revelaciones en los últimos años que las pérdidas de la divisa BNM fueron en realidad del orden de 30 mil millones, posteriormente enmascarado y reducido a 6 mil millones por contabilidad creativa. Factor adentro también que el hombre despedido para las pérdidas del BNM 30 mil millones es hoy encabezando la Unidad Económica del saqueo de los gobiernos. Factor en más de un auditor de Malasia que investigaba el fraude de Bank Bumiputra 1983 fue asesinado por la tríada en Hong Kong, y que nadie en Malasia ha sido acusado hasta la fecha con cualquier crimen. Entonces usted comienza a tener una idea en el saqueo económico y el mafia que casi se ha convertido en una forma de vida para algunos en Malasia. Si eso fuera todo, podríamos respirar un suspiro de alivio. Sin embargo, la mala administración y el presunto fraude (basado en informes reales de la policía por parte de la dirección) en el Sistema de Aerolíneas de Malasia (MAS), PSC Naval Dockyard (costando 4.400 millones), el costo exagerado del Gobierno y el Ejército / Marina / Fuerza Aérea / Han añadido muchos más miles de millones, según algunas estimaciones de 250 mil millones, al dinero que ha huido del país. A continuación, puede evaluar la verdadera estomago y impresionante escala del daño hecho a Malasia. Cuando Najib fue instalado primer ministro en 2009, juró que las ofertas abiertas serían la letra de la ley para los contratos de la contratación del gobierno, un pronunciamiento, como Shakespeare lo puso, más honrado en la brecha que en la observancia La oleada de multimillonario peaje Carretera y otros contratos dudosos anunciados y adjudicados mediante negociaciones directas y con indecente prisa por Najib durante el último año parecen sugerir claramente, como lo han observado diputados de la oposición como Tony Pua, que la verdadera razón de la demora en anunciar la fecha para el 2013 elecciones generales, tiene todo que ver con PM Najib jugando su marca de barril de cerdo (oops, se puede decir que p palabra aquí) la política y favoritos favorece la agenda. Bajo Najib también, un juez de sentada era, en vísperas de un veredicto importante, acusado scurrilously por un blogger cuyo artículo fue reproducido en el Web site de Perkasa8217s, de ser sesgado y homosexual. Y la respuesta del Primer Ministro, Ministro de Justicia, Procurador General y Jefe de Justicia. Najib seguramente sabe que va a perder GE 2013 a la Oposición. No parece darse cuenta de que va a entrar en la historia como el hombre que perdió UMNO el Gobierno y eso es debido a su insatisfactorio y aún en gran parte inexplicable vínculo con la muerte de Altantuya, la percepción, si no la realidad real, de un asombroso El aumento de la corrupción durante su mandato como Primer Ministro, el fracaso en controlar a su esposa y una demostración lamentablemente lúgubre al tomar medidas precipitadas contra Ibrahim Ali, Perkasa y Utusan por sus excesos. Fuentes no confirmadas han indicado que DOS (2) Súbditos del Ejército Real de Sulu de la Realeza Sulu en Lahad Datu fueron muertos hoy. Las fuentes no pueden confirmar si su muerte vino del resultado de cualquier fuego de armas de nuestras fuerzas de seguridad malasias, Entre 6-10 disparos disparados. Los DOS (2) hombres muertos fueron identificados como Hj. Musa y Malik (foto arriba). Las Fuerzas de Seguridad de Malasia están aturdidas por el incidente en este momento. Fuente cortesía de Sabahkini noticias. Bueno, si las noticias son verdaderas Mahathir Kutty es un pato muerto. Ahora el ejército de Sulu cazará a sus niños abajo similar a la manera que el Taiko hizo a Mirzan en Hong-Kong. Así que ahora los hijos de Mahathir Kutty tienen que pagar por el pecado de sus padres. Ahora pueden besar su negocio adiós. Las fuerzas de seguridad de Malasia han comenzado su represión contra el grupo armado filipino que ha ocupado una parte de Sabah, Malasia, al arrestar el lunes a los nep hew del sultán Jamalul Kiram III en Sabah. Abraham Idjirani, portavoz del sultán Jamalul Kiram III, confirmó el arresto de Sahid Asaral Aswad en el pueblo de Tanduao en la ciudad de Lahad Datu. Pero él no era parte del equipo que llegó a principios de este mes. Él nació allí, 8221 Idjirani dijo por teléfono. 8220No estamos seguros de cuál es su violación, pero es claro que el gobierno de Malasia ha comenzado su represión contra partidarios y parientes de Kiram, 8221, agregó. Mientras tanto 8220 Esto es hacer o morir, 8221 dijo Raja Muda Agbimuddin Kiram, hermano del sultán Jamalul Kiram III. Un indonesio de edad avanzada dijo el lunes que había ganado una rara victoria contra una mezquita ruidosa, a pesar de verse obligado a retirar las acciones legales después de que una multitud enojada amenazó con matarlo. Las quejas contra los altavoces que emiten la llamada a la oración se han enfrentado con una oposición extrema en Indonesia, la nación más grande de la mayoría musulmana del mundo que alberga cerca de 800.000 mezquitas. Y cuando Sayed Hasan, de 75 años, presentó una demanda en diciembre en la ciudad de Banda Aceh, en la que se quejó de ser molestado por largas grabaciones de versos del Corán, recibió fuertes protestas de la comunidad. Pero Hasan, un musulmán, dijo que a pesar de ser llevado a ver al teniente de alcalde y líderes musulmanes, y luego ser escoltado a la corte donde se vio obligado a retirar su demanda legal, que finalmente había ganado una rara victoria. Me vi obligado a retirar mi demanda mientras una multitud enojada amenazaba con matarme, dijo. Pero después de caer mi caso, el volumen se redujo significativamente por la mitad. Un líder musulmán local dijo que el imán había decidido reducir el ruido. Los habitantes de la ciudad de Indonesia a menudo se despiertan antes del amanecer mezclando las llamadas a la oración de tres o cuatro mezquitas cercanas. Muchos también difunden versos coránicos o difunden eventos de día a través de altavoces. Noventa por ciento de los indonesios 240 millones de ciudadanos son musulmanes. Mientras que la mayoría practica una forma moderada, la provincia de Aceh ha implementado la ley sharia, que es aplicada por la policía islámica especial. Sábado, 23 de Febrero de 2013 09:13 SIAPA DIA, FLORA ONG Seorang lagi nana wanita keluar dari Deepak KUALA LUMPUR - Satu lagi nama baru kari dari ahli perniagaan, Deepak Jaikishan hari ini yang dikaitkan dengan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak iaitu Flora Ong. Deepak berkata, Najib mengenali dan mempunyai hubungan rapat dengan kedua-dua wanita iaitu Altantuya Shariibuu dan Flora Ong. Deepak juga mendakwa Najib memberikan sokongan kewangan kepada kedua-dua wanita ini. Pampasan untuk anak Antantuya Deepak hari ini berjanji akan memberikan semua pampasan yang beliau perolehi dari tindakan samannya ke atas Datuk Seri Najib Razak kepada anak dan keluarga wanita Monggolia yang dibunuh dengan kejam, Altantuya Shariibuu. Ini kerana, merekalah mangsa sebenar dari kematian wanita dari Monggolia ini, kata Deepak kepada Harakahdaily. Saya berjanji akan memberikan seluruh pampasan yang bakal saya perolehi dari saman ini kepada anak yatim yang ditinggalkan Altantuya dan keluarganya. Biarkan kebenaran terdedah (melalui saman ini), tegas Deepak dalam kenyataannya. RM100 juta saman Deepak hari ini memfailkan saman RM100 juta ke atas Najib Razak kerana mendakwa beliau sebagai orang yang tidak berkredibeliti. Beliau juga mengaitkan adik beradik Najib dalam kes ini iaitu Nazim dan Johari Razak di samping isterinya, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor. Ini kerana, kata beliau, ketiga-tiga mereka mempunyai kaitan secara langsung dengan kes pembikinan akuan bersumpah kedua yang dibuat oleh P Balasubramaniam. - Harakahdaily NAJIB and ROSMAH must reveal the TRUTH BEHIND CANNY ONGS DEATH. LAHAD DATU: A claimant to the North Borneo Sulu Sultanate is disputing the claim of a Sulu armed group that Sabah was their ancestral homeland. 8220My family is the rightful owner of the throne,8221 said the 45-year-old Lahad Datu businessman Datu Abdul Rajak Aliuddin, who has proclaimed himself as the sixth Sultan of North Borneo. The controversial Rajak has been detained and charged for burning the Sabah flag and raising the North Borneo Sultanate flag with the lion symbol. He said that the Sulu armed group led by Raja Muda Azzimudie Kiram, the brother of the Philippines based Sulu Sultan Jamalul Kiram, had no right to claim Sabah, which was previously known as North Borneo. 8220My father Aliuddin Agas was recognised as the fifth Sultan of North Borneo. 8220He was one of those who signed the framework for the Malaysia agreement in 1962,8221 he said, showing documents to back his claim. He said the Azzimudie group had no right to use the yellow flag with the lion, which was purportedly raised in Kampung Tanduo after they occupied the village at Felda Sahabat 17 from Feb 9. Azzimudie and more than 100 of his followers, including gunmen in military fatigues, had demanded that Malaysia recognise them as the Royal Sulu Sultanate Army and that no subject of the Sultan of Sulu be deported as Sabah was their ancestral home. Rajak told reporters here that the occupation of the village of Tanduo was a sandiwara (acting) for political reasons. He claimed that after the 1863 Brunei rebellion, North Borneo was made an autonomous sultanate with two other autonomous sultanates of Bolongan covering northern Kalimantan and Sulu in southern Philippines. He said they were all made autonomous, and individual children of the Sultan were given full control of their respective kingdoms. Even Pahlawan, Tawi Tawi and Siasi in southern Philippines were under the sultanate of North Borneo, he claimed. Historically, there were numerous claimants to the Sulu Sultanate. Over the years, claimants to the throne have produced many documents to the media to back their claims. Last year in Kota Kinabalu, businessman Datu Mohamad Akjan proclaimed himself as the rightful heir of the Sulu Sultanate and held a ceremony to declare himself as Sultan. Police questioned Akjan after photos of him as the Sultan of Sulu became public. People today are still talking about the Psy episode which Najib has only himself to blame. Numbers play an important role in our daily lives. Whether one should believe or not is open to debate. Certain people use religion to justify their disbelieve, while others give it as non scientific and others are the believers. When I wrote about the Water Snake meets the Water Rat, Rosmah a believer of numbers beside witch craft, went jumping mad and almost hit the ceiling. She demanded and gave strict instruction that Psy should NOT MEET LGE at all cost. As the invitation had already being given out and LGE as Chief Minister will surely attend, a way has to be found. And the person who is willing to help, who is of the same kind, same upbringing, same believer in numbers and witch craft, share the same ambitious and who can stop LGE was the Queen. But fate has it that a man who happens to be at the wrong place and wrong time showed his middle finger through his frustration over an argument with his father, at a car not realizing who the occupier was. And the unlucky chap is now sitting in jail and poorer by RM8,000, while big time criminals like Shahrizat and her family are walking free in Bangsar. So similar to Psy having the Rakyat spamming and asking him not to come to Penang, a finger was pointed at the Queens car when she arrives. Fate can be alter but destiny do not. What I did not mention in my Water Snake article was the reading of Najib and Rosmah for the Snake Year. So by stopping LGE from meeting Psy, Rosmah thought she could change LGEs fate. Again Rosmah failed to realize is that Psy was not the only Water Snake that could bring fame to LGE. Yes, the Queen is also a Water Snake. For several years now Rosmah had spring cleaned her whole house many times over and Putrajaya three times with chanting, plastering under the tables, chairs, rooms, curtains, underwear, pillows and beds with charms, and all kinds of witch craft ceremonies costing us more than RM100 million will not and cannot change the destiny for Najib and herself. Plus all the innocent children who lost their lives so that Rosmah can have their virgin blood to keep her TOYOL happy. Yes Rosmah keep them (toyol) in Jalan Duta and Putrajaya. Well the numbers no matter how you twist or turn it will not be able to change Najib and Rosmah destiny. Especially so when innocent lives are killed for their blood. So now do you understand why many youth are missing Mahathir has one thing in mind when he was the Prime Minister and that is to have full control of ruining this country. He does not care except for materialistic gains for himself and his families. Yes Mahathir the sly fox has more than one family but that is for another time and for the children of those other families to reveal, if there is a fight for the inheritance. You see rich people like them always have family members fighting over their sinful wealth. Good example is my old man. He is still scheming to gain more projects from the Government and supporting both BN and PKR with millions in this coming election but because he is at the rightful age of going to the next plane, the children and wives are scheming behind how much shares, properties, cars and planes should be theirs. I am not surprise if they were to fight over where to bury his body just to gain publicity. One of his wives is planning a big send-off better than Princess Dianes last ceremony. At the end of the day it boils down to mere money. Sabah is the most wanted child now because of the new found oil in their shore. If Sabah has no resources like Singapore then it would be a neglected orphan. Mahathir went through alot of trouble negotiating and giving monetary gains and arms to the Sulu people. Mahathir was even in the planning committee that killed Faud. So now given that UMNO is at their lowest ebb, would Mahathir simply sit down and not do anything knowing that his son Mukhrizs future is at stake. Why is everyone keeping silence on the billion donation and latest and best weapons given to certain people in Philippines by Najib and Mahathir Malaysian Armed Forces are given inferior weapons that cannot fire more than three shots, that can backfire or explode when fired. For the past ten years or so, one form of ragging common in the Armed Forces is to make new recruits hold a live grenade and pull the ring. Yes, it did not explode because it is inferior but what happens if one of them did explode. Malays are very good at giving excuse it is fated. So who was the one responsible for such inferior arms NAJIB AND ROSMAH. PDRM and Armed Forces cannot go against intruders from outside so they take and use their ego and frustration against the Rakyat. We have many death in custody and brutality on the streets as shown in pictures and videos as evidences of these act done by them. But our laws just protect them. Given the rot inside Sabah it would be best handle and manage by Sabahan themselves. Why should all the busybody especially Azmin Ali who is double agent for both UMNO and Keadilan be kingmaker in another persons home. There is an old saying Manage your affair within arm reach. Sabah standoff: Karma 10:14 pm Wednesday, February 20th, 2013 If Malaysia is clumsy about handling the Sabah standoff, it will have the same problem the Philippine government had when it fought a Muslim rebellion in the South in the 1970s up to the 1980s. Malaysia is in a no-win situation as a result of the standoff in Sabah. If it uses deadly force on a small group of armed Filipino Muslims now holed up in the village of Tanduo in Lahad Datu town in Sabah, members of the fiercest of Philippine Moro tribe, the Tausogs of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi, will retaliate. If, on the other hand, Malaysia compromises with the armed group purportedly belonging to the Sultanate of Sulu, it will be perceived as a weakling by its neighbors. Which will Malaysia choose, fighting a rebellion in the Sabah state or swallowing its pride and compromise with the Sultanate of Sulu Better to be perceived as a weakling rather than have a bloody civil war in Sabah. There is no record of the number of Filipinos, mostly Tausogs, in Sabah. But a friend of mine who used to be in the Philippine military intelligence estimates that one-third of the population in the Malaysian state is Tausog. Many of the people in Sulu and Tawi-Tawi have relatives in Sabah, which is just one hour by speedboat from Simunul in Tawi-Tawi. If the Tausogs in Sabah rise up in revolt against the Malaysian government, their relatives in Sulu and Tawi-Tawi will go to Sabah and fight with them. To the Tausogs, the claim of the group purporting to represent the Sultanate of Sulu that Sabah belongs to the sultanate is legitimate. The Sulu Sultanate, long dormant and somewhat forgotten because of the war waged by the Tausog-led MNLF against the government, is still revered by Moros in Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. Tausogs respect the Sultan of Sulu in much the same way Malaysians pay homage to their royal family. If harm is done to Rajah Mudah Agbimuddin Kiram, brother of Sultan Jamalul Kiram, who ordered the Mudah Agbimuddin to enter Sabah, his fellow Tausogs in Sabah and in Sulu and Tawi-Tawi will take up arms against the Malaysian government. Filipino Muslims declare a rido or vendetta against people who harm their relatives. The Rido has set off feuds between families or clans that last for decades. Most of the Tausogs in Sabah have relatives in Sulu and Tawi-Tawi who are ready to take revenge if harm is done to Rajah Mudah Agbimuddin Kiram and his armed followers in Lahad Datu town. My source in Sulu said that even before the landing of 200 men in Lahad Datu last week, the Sultanate had already sent armed men in small groups to Sabah to escape notice from authorities. The armed groups are being coddled by Tausogs in the Malaysian state. The ocean border between Sabah and the Philippines is porous or easily penetrated. Most of the tens of thousands of Filipino illegal immigrants in Sabah entered through this porous border. It8217s very easy for armed Tausogs to enter Sabah and wage a guerrilla war against the Malaysian government should hostilities break out between the Sultanate group and Malaysian police. Tausogs love to fight and look for reasons to pick a fight. If Malaysia assumes a violent stance against the Sulu Sultanate group, the Tausogs will have a reason to fight them. When the government was fighting the MNLF in the 1970s through the 1980s, Malaysia was secretly supporting the rebellion in the South. Weapons coming from Libya and other Middle East countries passed through Malaysia on their way to the MNLF. Now, it seems the shoe is on the other foot. Welcome to the official website of the Royal House of Sulu under the headship of Ampun Sultan Muedzul-Lail Tan Kiram of Sulu, 35th Sultan of Sulu New Sultan of Sulu reported to the throne Raja Muda (Crown Prince) Muedzul-Lail Tan Kiram succeeds his late father Sultan Moh. Mahakuttah A. Kiram as 35th Sultan of Sulu. Island of Jolo, Sulu, September 20th, 2012. - Raja Muda Muedzul-Lail Tan Kiram has been proclaimed as Sultan of Sulu by Rumah Bichara (council of elders), bangsa Suluk (people of Sulu) and bangsa Sabah (people of Sabah previously known as North Borneo). The proclamation ceremonies took place in historical coronation site in Maimbung, island of Jolo, Sulu on 15th and 16th of September. The ceremony was conducted by Imam (worship leader of the Muslim community) Jamiul Jasim who was appointed as Imam already by Sultan Muedzul-Lail Tan Kirams grandfather Sultan Moh. Esmail E. Kiram. In accordance with Sulu tradition Sultan Muedzul-Lail Tan Kiram named his eldest son Moh. Ehsn S. Kiram as his Raja Muda and heir. The new Sultan was warmly welcomed by Hon. Hussin U. Amin, Mayor of Jolo, Sulu. THE ROYAL HOUSE OF SULU (ROYAL SULTANATE OF SULU): A HISTORICAL SURVEY by H. E. Datu Sadja Michael Y. Medvedev The Kingdom of Sulu 8211 its equally correct but more precise name being the Royal Sultanate of Sulu 8211 is a traditional Islamic monarchy of the Tausug people a nation, both historical and extant, which currently continues its existence under the supreme authority of the Republic of the Philippines. Among the princes and chiefs of the Filipino first nations, the Sovereigns of Sulu are considered as the premier traditional monarchs and their royal dignity and the style of Majesty, uncommon for the Malay sultans, is indisputably recognized for centuries. Apart of the island of the same name, the Sultanate8217s territory includes various islands and districts in and around the Sulu Sea. The Sultan-King enjoys also the supreme sovereign rights for the north of Borneo, which province is currently lent by Malaysia and administered as the state of Sabah. I. The realm8217s pre-history The legend 8211 realistic, largely supported by evidences, and mostly reliable 8211 tells that the Sultanate8217s immediate predecessor, Raja Baginda, a relatively peaceful conqueror from Sumatra, introduced many novelties in Sulu in 1390-ies, including the centralised power of a supreme monarch, the elephants, and 8211 most significantly 8211 the Sunnite Islam. Shortly prior to Baginda8217s arrival, Islam was preached in the region by the great missionary, Karim-ul Makdum, but the heathen (probably Hinduist) customs and rituals of the local communities were generally maintained until the Raja embraced the monotheism. Baginda had no male heir and his dominion became a dowry of his daughter, Princess (Dayang-Dayang) Paramisuli. It is believed that Paramisuli8217s mother was herself a heiress to a prominent local chief. II. The Hashemite dynasty The man who married Paramisuli was Sayyid Abu Bakr Abirin, a nobleman, a lawyer and a theologian. As his title of Sayyid suggests, he belonged to the direct posterity of Prophet Mohammad, namely of its Hashemite branch. A son of a Mecca-born Arab father (and, according to some authors, of a Malay princess), Abu Bakr was raised in Johore, being no stranger to the East Indian region. Baginda appointed Abu Bakr as his heir and made him a chief judge in matters temporal and spiritual. On his accession, Abu Bakr was able not only to maintain the centralized power achieved by father-in-law, but to develop it considerably, and to establish a Sultanate 8211 a theocratic monarchy in which he was a sacred ruler, both a sovereign and a religious leader, a 8220Paduka Mahasari Maulana al-Sultan Sharif-ul-Hshim8221. This occurred in 1457. Since then, the Sultanate of Sulu remains a joint entity, temporal and spiritual alike, which phenomenon is actually well-known to the Christian Europe, and sometimes defined as persona mixta. Among Abu Bakr8217s temporal reforms, the territorial repartition is particularly telling of his power: it divided the island into five districts and included all the sea-shore as well as the vast territory around the residence into the immediate domain of the Sultan. The Sultanate extended its influence far away the shores of the island of Sulu and became a mighty maritime power. Its power and influence was effective on short and long distances, as it was wittily illustrated by the later Sulu badge, a kris and a spear. It was already under Abu Bakr8217s sons, Sultan Kamal ud-Din and Ala ud-Din, that the Tausugs faced the European expansion, but for long they were able to oppose it. From time to time, the Europeans invaded the territory of the Sultanate and even the capital city of Jolo was captured several times, but the Tausug state persisted. It seemed for a while that the Jesuit missionaries succeeded in Sulu Sultan Alim ud-Din was benevolent to them and even was baptised in 1750, becoming King Ferdinand I of Sulu. However he faced both opposition of his relatives and compatriots and, more decisively, the attitude of the Spanish commanders by whom he was detained and imprisoned shortly afterwards. When the Sultan regained the freedom and the throne (with the assistance of English troops), he preferred to act henceforth as the jihad-performing 8220Amir ul-Muminin8221 (the Lord of the Mohammedan Faithful) and today is famous among the Tausugs under that name. Both Ali mud-Din and his son Sultan Israel faced growing instability within the Sultanate and within the Royal House, dramatically provoked by exterior pressure. Since their reigns, the traditional line of succession was interrupted several times, for political reasons, by various 8220anti-Sultans8221 (members of the dynasty8217s younger branches or even of related families), but at the same time these deviations helped to regularise the dynastical doctrine and to make the lawful inheritance of the throne more linear. Sultan Jamal ul-Kiram (died in 1844) was the first to use the name 8220Kiram8221 his posterity became the Royal branch of the Sulu Hashemites, the Sovereign House as such, and from him descended all the posterior legitimate Sultans. It worth mentioning that this Sultan was the first known historian of his nation he collected various legends and tales, reliable and rather fantastic alike, and dictated this unique compilation to his councillor. III. The vassal status Due to the wars and the conquests, the regional and inter-regional trade routes changed radically, diminishing considerably the Sultanate8217s former importance. The ports controlled by the European, the use of steamboats and the continuous warfare deprived the fleet and the harbours of the Tausugs of their former importance as a result, for a while most of the Tausug maritime energy was accumulated by the local piracy rather than by the regular trade. In 1851, after a successful raid of General Urbiztondo, Sultan Mohammad Pulalun was forced to sign a pact which turned the Sultanate into a vassal autonomous state, incorporated into the Spanish monarchy. In accordance to the Spanish text of the pact, the Sultan ceded his sovereign rights to Spain the Tausug text was much more moderate and merely acknowledged the supreme sovereignty of Spain, leaving the Sultan8217s exclusive prerogatives intact. One has to admit that de facto the later model was followed. The tension continued and the Spanish occupied, after a dramatic siege and battle, the Sultanate8217s capital Jolo in 1876, but even this did not terminate 8211 either de facto or de jure 8211 the vast autonomy of the Kingdom-Sultanate. Then Spain transferred its rights and claims to the USA, and the bilingual trick from 1851 was repeated, intendedly or not, by the American representatives when the Bates Agreement was signed by Sultan Jamal ul-Kiram II. This agreement was, however, unilaterally abrogated by the USA, leaving the Sultan (despite of his protests) free both of guarantees and of obligations imposed by this pact. The American attempt to colonise the region effectively led to the 8220Moro rebellion8221. The war resulted in most tragic events and immense human losses. In 1915, a new agreement was signed. Actually Jamal ul-Kiram II was forced by the American governor Frank W. Carpenter to resign the lion8217s share of his powers and prerogatives in the USA8217s favour, and to accept the direct American administration in Sulu. However, contrary to what was proudly announced by Carpenter, the pact did not deprive the Sultan of all his temporal powers. It should be understood that Carpenter, an able and non-hostile administrator, was opposed in his essentially peaceful plans by many war-minded officials, and in the dispute with them he had many reasons to exaggerate the new pact8217s significance. The Sultan8217s religious role was confirmed, not affected, by the pact. The reign of Jamal ul-Kiram II continued under both American and Filipino government until his death in 1936, when Manila decided to ignore the existence of the Sultanate altogether, and denied to express any recognition, let alone any patronage, as to the new Sultan, Muwallil Wasit II. This imprudent governmental decision was followed by the latter8217s murder, and resulted in further political entropy and a new dynastic schism. During the II World War, there were two active claimants to the Kingship, one being supported by Japan and another opposing the Japanese occupation none of them was of the Kiram Royal stem. The latter was however restored in the person of the then legitimist heir, Mohammad Esmail Kiram I (Muwallil Wasit8217s son), in 19505. This restoration was formally recognised by the Republic of the Philippines in 1962 and again in 1972, as the government in Manila gradually became interested in the Sulu affairs, partly due to the North Borneo dispute, and partly because of the growing radical attitude in the authonomist and separatist Moro movements, to which the traditional monarchist establishment seemed (and largely was and still is) a plausible alternative. IV. The North Borneo problem In 1675, the throne of the neighbouring realm of Brunei was disputed and the Sultan of Sulu was asked to settle the conflict as an arbiter when the negotiations were proved useless, the Sultan used his army in favour of one of the claimants, helped to stop the civil war and was generously rewarded with the northern part of the Kalimantan (Borneo). It was in 1878 that the then Sultan, Jamal ul-A8217Lam, looking for a political balance in the region, granted this part of the Sultanate on lease to Europeans. With time, North Borneo became a British crown colony and then was incorporated into Malaysia as the province of Sabah. The Sultan remained the de jure supreme sovereign of North Borneo and continued to receive the annual fee as established by the initial agreement. It worth mentioning that the Sultan8217s rights were confirmed by judicial and governmental acts in Sabah and Malaysia, and that neither Bates Agreement nor Carpenter Agreement affected these royal rights in any way, because the US explicitly declined from interfering into this delicate matter. Numerous influential Filipino politicians, to the opposite, considered North Borneo a part of the Sultanate of Sulu and thus a dominion of the Philippines. Thus the claim to Sabah appeared depending on the Sultanate8217s existence. To obtain the formal recognition of the Royal Sultanate of Sulu by Manila (which implied a chance to reestablish the Tausug autonomy), Sultan Esmail twice (in 1962 and in 1969) signed acts of cession of North Borneo to the Republic, but as the latter failed to implement the practical provisions of these acts, such as to claim the province effectively, both these acts appeared void. The North Borneo case remains a complicated legal as well as political problem. Malaysia continues to pay the rent to this day. V. The current state of the Kingdom In 1974, Sultan Esmail died and was duly succeeded by his son and heir Mohammad Mahakuttah Kiram6. The accession of the new Sultan was solemnly recognised by the Filipino President, under whose act Manila acknowledged not only the personal status of the Sultan-King but also the formation of the government of Sulu. Presidential representatives attended the coronation of HM Sultan Mahakutta on 24th May 1974. On this occasion, Mahacutta8217s son and heir HRH Datu Muedzul-Lail was installed (and formally recognized by the Filipino state) as the Raja Muda (Prince Royal and heir apparent). Sultan Mahakutta passed away in 1986 when the political situation in the Philippines was profoundly different the power passed from the dictator Ferdinand Marcos to an experiment-minded leader, Corazn Aquino, the perspectives were uncertain, and the political instability in the Moroland was growing dramatically. Manila declined from supporting the new head of the house. Young Raja Muda Muedzul-Lail was advised neither to arrange a coronation without recognition from Manila, nor to throw the Crown into the struggle between the secessionists and the adherents of the Republic. Therefore Muedzul-Lail preferred to remain, temporarily, a Raja Muda and HRH instead of assuming the title and style of the Sultan-King, although it was understood that this decision, according to the Sulu customs, deprived him neither from the headship of the Sultanate nor from the ruler8217s prerogatives. Due to the turbulent political circumstances, the traditional structure of the Sultanate was largely destabilised and numerous pretenders started claiming the throne, to fill the imaginary gap in the leadership. Several coronations were masqueraded. Even Muedzul-Lail8221s uncle Datu Fouad, on being appointed by his nephew a viceroy for North Borneo, failed to stand a temptation and used this opportunity to proclaim himself a Sultan both in Sulu and, separately, in Sabah. All these frenetic attempts were, and are, in a striking contrast with Raja Muda Muedzul-Lail8217s quietly consistent realistic attitude and his policy of gradual restoration. Currently the Raja Muda operates as a full-scale ruler, assisted by the traditional assembly of the nobility and the notables, the Ruma Bichara. The heir to the Sultanate is the Raja Muda8217s elder son Mohammad Ehsn S. Kiram, who currently enjoys the title of Maharaja Adinda (8220the second heir8221 or 8220the heir to the heir8221). The Raja Muda8217s five sons guarantee the firm Kiram succession. To unite the compatriots, that is, the traditional aristocracy and the commoners alike, the Tausugs as well as the non-Tausug settlers to gain the recognition of the Philippine Republic for the traditional social practices of the Tausug nation, for which the current Filipino law offers an opportunity to revive the constructive relations with other Malay and non-Malay sovereign houses: these and other similar tasks, being integral parts of the Raja Muda8217s agenda, cannot be accomplished without caution and patience, but also without bold initiatives. The current royal honours policy of the Raja Muda, as an example of such an initiative, will be discussed in a separate paper. VI. The symbols of the Kingdom Heraldry makes a fine dessert when not served as a main course. To conclude the survey, it will be useful to pay attention to the nation8217s flag and insignia armorial. Since the times immemorial, the Tausugs used various flags to mark the rulers8217 residences and vessels. From this practice emerged gradually the constant use of the Royal flags in the 19th century. It is likely that they were originally white and that the further predominance of the red colour was due to the influence of the battle banners. The elaborate ornamental image typical for the flags and banners of the time could, as some authors suggest, originate as the stylised image of the entrance into the Royal capital (Jolo) or the residence (the palace/Astana) but it came to denote the Gateway to Mecca. Another element regularly met with on the old flags is the Zulphiqar, the sacred double sword, as the symbol of the superior authority of the Sultan. A double stripe, usually of blue and white, often appeared at the hoist. Under the American protectorate and occupation, the Sultan was asked to stop using the old flag and a new, USA-inspired flag was introduced, also red, but this time with a blue canton bearing stars (to denote the five parts of the Sultanate). The traditional Tausug weapons (a kris and a spear, the allegorical composition mentioned above, from time to time completed with a barung) were represented on the red background of this new flag and so was the crescent symbol of Islam, sometimes replaced with a white roundel, representing a celestial body or a pearl, if not both. Several attempts were made to create a correct coat of arms for the Sultanate but for long the heraldic symbols in use remained rather imitative and failed to reflect the authentic tradition of Sulu. It was in 2011 that HRH the Raja Muda, assisted by the Ruma Bichara, legally established the new arms and flag of Sulu. The flag reflects different historical levels of the Sultanate8217s symbolism, displaying the highly stylised Gateway of Mecca symbolically topped by Zulphiqar over the kris-and-spear national badge. Both the double stripe (of the Royal livery colours, blue and white) and the canton (although with a new composition) are kept, and so is the pearl. The arms are tripartite and show the Meccan Gateway with Zulphiqar (for the Sultanate of Sulu), the Islamic crescent-and-star distinctively completed with the flame of holiness (for the Hashemite descent and the spiritual authority), and an umbrella-topped Kalimantan roofed boat which symbol is borne in the Royal right of North Borneo. On the least splendid occasions, the central part may be borne alone. The arms are ensigned with the heraldic Royal crown of Sulu. The supporters are the two sea-tigers holding the kris and the spear. The full achievement includes also the Royal ceremonial cap, the crest on a wreath, the collar of the house order, the distinctive Royal robe, the state gonfanon, a slogan and a motto. The national arms constitute also the Royal arms of Sulu, and are currently borne by HRH the Raja Muda. royalsultanateofsulu. org/history The Boomerang has come home to meet Mahathir Kutty. Once again the sly fox will show us the Art of Deception. Waging War at the Court of the Sultan of Sulu The Sultan of Sulus Manila home lies in a poor Muslim neighborhood in the south of the Philippine capital. Its high walls are festooned with royal banners weighted down by repurposed plastic soda bottles. Advertisements for Septic Tank Plumbing Services are posted next to a derelict Opel station wagon, now the only fixture on the sidewalk out front. In early February, when armed supporters of Sultan Jamalul Kiram III landed in Malaysian Borneo to enforce an ancestral-land claim, media flocked here to meet the low-profile leader, whose forebears once held sway over the Sulu Archipelago in the southern Philippines. (These days, there is no civil power attached to the role.) TV news crews crowded the sidewalk around-the-clock as, hundreds of kilometers away, the sultans men were locked in a clash with Malaysian security forces that has since killed over 70 people and displaced scores. Today, the street outside the sultans crumbling residence is quieter, but the fallout from his brazen campaign has not settled. As Malaysian security forces continue their mopping up operations against the sultans men in eastern Sabah province, a fresh wave of fighters has reportedly entered the fray. According to Abraham Idjirani, spokesman for the Royal Sultanate of Sulu and North Borneo, some 400 armed men have managed to breach a joint Malaysian-Filipino naval blockade in the Sulu Sea. Its not yet clear who sent them, though the sultanate asserts they are from Mindanao, where leaders of the southern Philippine militant group Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) have pledged support. On March 31, the MNLF threatened a long, protracted war if Malaysian forces continued their pursuit of the self-proclaimed Royal Army of Sulu. The Sabah affair is emblematic of territorial disputes that have long overshadowed the region. Centuries before the modern states of Malaysia and the Philippines came into being, the islands of the Sulu Sea, and part of resource-rich Sabah, were ruled by the Sultanate of Sulu. In 1878, the sultan made a fateful deal to lease Sabah to a British commercial interest the territory was later annexed by the British crown and, in 1963, became part of an independent Malaysia. Now the Kiram family wants it back. It still receives roughly 1,700 a year in rent from Kuala Lumpur, but views the sum as ridiculous given how profitable the land is and the status afforded to other sultans in Malaysia. (For reference, Sultan Kiram and the Sultan of Brunei, once named the worlds richest man, share the same great-great grandfather.) These days, Sultan Kiram, 74, could use some extra cash. On a recent morning, he was away at the hospital for one of his biweekly dialysis sessions. Fatima, his panguian to use the term bestowed on a sultans wife insists that while hes still O. K., hes not the fleet-footed tango dancer who dazzled her early in their marriage. A retired civil servant, she worked full-time for over 20 years to support the family while the sultan managed a modest seafood-exporting business. In between filling cuttlefish orders from Japan, he was called upon to help mediate domestic insurgencies. Photo albums on the coffee table show the sultan wearing his trademark brown sunglasses next to grim-faced MNLF rebels and government officers. Back in the 1970s, Fatima recalls urging her husband to also take up the gun. I told him, Why dont you go the mountains and fight the Malaysians you are only recognized if you are a rebel force, she says. For years, the sultan countered that patience and diplomacy were the best course and wrote letters to officials, but to no avail. On Feb. 6, about 200 of his followers some of them heavily armed were dispatched to Sabah. A weeks-long impasse in a coastal village ended in bloodshed, as a Malaysian ground assault gave way to air strikes. The Sultans fighters and their commander, Agbimuddin Kiram, the sultans 70-year-old brother, melted into the jungle, where sporadic gun battles persist. The crackdown has made a hard life even harder for the 800,000plus Filipino migrant workers who help sustain Sabahs booming palm-oil and petroleum industries. The Malaysian government, already facing criticism for harsh treatment of its migrant underclass, is accused by rights groups of widespread harassment of civilians as it moves to flush out the Royal Army. Dozens of homes have been destroyed and hundreds of Filipinos have fled abroad. Analysts warn that the toll will further aggravate anti-Malaysian sentiment in the southern Philippines, less than an hour away by boat. With such valuable interests in the region and general elections on the horizon, the Malaysian government has shown no willingness to cede any ground. State officials, keen to project strength, have labeled the Royal Army terrorists and ignored the U. N.s demands for a cease-fire. In Manila, President Benigno Aquino has tried to balance relations with Malaysia, a key ally and trading partner, with pressing political calculations at home as a midterm ballot nears. The sultan enjoys considerable standing among Muslims in the restive south of the country, and his claim to Sabah has become a matter of local pride. Sultan Kiram judges the incursion to be a partial success in that his cause finally has the worlds attention. I regret that people have died, he says, moments after returning from his hospital treatment, walking with a cane. However, we must make a sacrifice to enjoy the fruits that are rightfully ours. He would not (or could not) say who the new fighters who have joined his army were, only that they were volunteers going to Sabah to seek revenge for their brothers killed by Malaysian forces. We cannot stop people now, he adds, somewhat cryptically, but peace is our hope. The sultan says his people will hold out as long as it takes, but time may not be on his side. At midday his voice was faint and, behind the signature dark glasses, one of his eyes was fully shut. A handful of local journalists who by now had gathered outside to interview him would have to wait a while longer. The sultan needed a nap. Historical Timeline of the Royal Sultanate of Sulu Including Related Events of Neighboring Peoples By Josiah C. Ang, PM Source: Jolo and Sulu The seat of The Royal Sultanate of Sulu is in Astana Putih, Tausug for 147White Palace,148 located some two kilometers southwest of the Spanish Walled City of Jolo, in Umbul Duwa at the present municipality of Indanan in Jolo Island. Jolo is the capital town of the Province of Sulu that is within the present geographical jurisdiction of the Republic of the Philippines. THE ERA OF H. M.H. THE ROYAL SULTANATE OF SULU 1450 AD - A Johore-born Arab adventurer, Shariful Hashem Syed Abu Bakr, arrived in Sulu from Melaka He married Param Isuli, daughter of Raja Baguinda, and founded The Royal Sultanate of Sulu in 1457 He declared himself H. R.H. Paduka Maulana Mahasari Sharif Sultan Hashem Abu Bakr, Sultan of Sulu, of the Saudi House of Hashemite in Hadramaut, where most Tausug and Yakan believed prophet Mohammads genealogy is traced. 1451 AD - By this time, the Melakan Sultanate had become a leading center of Islam in southeast Asia, and as a time-tested protege of the Ming dynasty, Yung Lo sent away his daughter Hang Li-po and a cortege of five-hundred Mandarin ladies as A gift to Melakan Sultan Mansor Shah in 1459 in turn, Shah conceived quotBukit Cinaquot as a permanent residential court for his esteemed visitors. H. R.H. Sultan Syed Hashem Abu Bakr (1457-1480) 1470 AD - Muslim conquest of the Madjapahit Empire. 1473-1521 AD - Golden age rule of Nakhoda Ragam Sultan Bulkeiahs Sultanate of Brunei that expanded her hegemony to include North Borneo, Sarawak, Indonesia Balabac, Banggi, and Palawan in Archipelago San Lazaro (present-day Philippines) and the new Royal Sultanate of Sulu H. R.H. Sultan Kamal ud-Din (1480-1519) 1509 AD - A Bengali Putih and Diego Lopez deSequeira with a squadron of five Portuguese battle ships established the first White settlement in Melaka (Ferdinand Magellan was said to be a member of this expedition). 1511 AD - Portuguese privateer Alfonso deAlbuquerque captured Melaka from deSequeira and reported of Muslim trading vessels from Sulu anchored in that Malay port. 1512 AD - Unnamed Portuguese sailors effected a brief landing on Mindanaw. H. R.H. Sultans Amir ul-Umara, Muizzul Mutawa Din amp Nasir ud-Din (1519-1579) 1520 AD - Jesuit historian Francisco Combe reported of an unnamed Muslim Sharif who tried to spread Islam to Jolo but died at Bud Tumangtangis His magnificent tomb was comparable to those in Makkah, but unfortunately in the years following, Manila Spaniards burned it to the ground. 1521 AD - Antonio Pigafetta deVicenza, the Italian chronicler of Ferdinand Magellan, was said to have visited Brunei Sultan Bulkeiahs court around this time While crusing along the Bornean coast, fellow Spaniards captured Rajah Matanda of May Nilad, grandson of then reigning Brunei Sultan and nephew to Brunei Raja Muda (Rajah Suleiman to Filipinos). Rajah Suleiman was himself a son-in-law of Brunei Sultan Abdul Kahar and this incident could have made unfortunate misgivings of his view of White men as he was to meet them again in the Battle of May Nilad in 1570. March 16, 1521 AD - Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan, a. k.a. Fernao Magalhaes and Fernando de Magallanes, discovered Archipelago San Lazaro (present-day Samar Island) arriving on five vessels that included Trinidad (Magellan, skipper), San Antonio (Juan deCartagena), Concepcion (Gaspar deQuesada), Victoria (Luis deMondoza), and Santiago (Juan Serrano) and a total of two-hundred-sixty-four crew members. - Magellan and his men then erected a wooden cross as testimony to their quotdiscoveryquot of and claim for the Spanish Crown the Archipelago San Lazaro, named after this feast day of of Saint Lazarus (March 16). March 18, 1521 AD - Magellan, including his wifes cousin Duarte Barbosa, cosmographer Andres de San Martin, and Pigafetta landed on an uninhabited island known as Homonhon where friendly natives from neighboring islands brought food and Atuba and together they feasted for one day. March 24, 1521 - Moving southeast, Magellan weighed anchor for Masawa on Mindanaw Island where Masawa Rajah Kolambu was entertaining his visiting brother, Rajah Siagu of Butuan The two Rajahs caused the first traditional blood compact of foreign visitors in which the visiting dignitary would drink each others blood mixed with the native wine, Atuba. - Mindanaw folklore mentioned a Pernao Magalhao to have founded this Manobo-tribeland where Rajah Siagu was already ruling chief Magalhao may have also Atouched at Sulu for we find Pigafetta describing the King of Jolo. April 06, 1521 - Magellans ship-chaplain Pedro deValderrama celebrated the first Roman Catholic mass on Philippine soil at Masawa (some claims Limasawa in Leyte as the rightful place) which fortunately fell on Easter Sunday of Jubilation. - Masawa Rajah Kolambu piloted Magellan to Cebu island where Cebu Rajah Humabon received them and sealed yet another blood compact. April 13,1521 - Cebu Rajah Humabon, his family, and 800 Sugboanons converted to Roman Catholicism before Magellan and his party and immediately declared the quotenemies of the churchquot the growing Muslimin community on Mactan island headed by Kaliph Pulaka (Lapu-Lapu to Filipinos). April 27, 1521 - Magellan, with forty-eight men in full armor, ploughed ashore Mactan island but were stopped by poisoned arrows from men of Lapu-Lapu The encounter is now known in Philippine history as the Battle of Mactan. June 9, 1522 - Juan Sebastian del Cano, navigating Magellans only remaining vessel La Victoria with eighteen men and 533-hundredweight-cloves on board, successfully returned to Sevilla in Spain via the Tidorein Maluka (present-day Moluccas) Juan Sebastian del Cano was assigned in world history as the first man to have ever completed the circumnavigation of the globe. 1523-1542 - Three other expeditions from Mexico attempted to reach the Philippines via the route taken by Magellan (Barbosa, de Loaisa, amp de Saavedra) but never made it. November 1, 1542 - Don Antonio de Mendoza, viceroy of Nueva Espana (present-day Mexico), sent six ships from Navida Mexico under Ruy Lopez deVillalobos that reached Sarangani islands in 1543 and named his quotdiscoveryquot Las Islas Felipinas to honor the son of King Charles of Spain, Felipe II. - deVillalobos sent for captain Bernardo delaTorre to survey the coast of Kota Bato but died there and his crew were captured in Sarangani by the Portuguese navy stationed in Maluka. November 21, 1564 - Another Nueva Espana viceroy, Don Luis de Velasco, commissioned 54-year-old Basque adelantado Miguel Lopez deLegaspi, to subjugate Islas Felipinas after five unsuccessful attempts. 1565-1663 Fourth Stage of Moro Wars (Majul) February 1565 - Legaspi arrived in Samar island on his flagship Capitana piloted by seasoned navigator-priest Andres Urdaneta who was earlier with the 1525 expedition of Fray Garcia Jofre deLoaiza Crivelli. April 1565 - Mooring southward to Bohol, Legaspi executed the traditional blood compact with Bohol Rajah Sikatuna and Rajah Sigala to show his sincerity of mission. May 1565 - Legaspi effected the first Spanish settlement at Cebu with the aid of the two Bohol Rajahs after a brief combat with remnants of the Humabon-Lapulapu warriors that were later incorporated into his mercenary forces. 1568-1648 - The Spanish-Dutch War that started as an internal agitation within the Holy Roman Empire extended to the Far East for the control of the spice trade ending in the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 This war despoiled Portugal of all its East India possessions and severely affected the tranquility of Moroland. 1569 - Brunei Sultan Saif ul-Raijal zealously campaigned for Quranic reading excellence among his other subjects in Sarawak, North Borneo, Palawan, and Sulu. - Future Brunei Sultan Muhammad Hasan, whose firstborn, Rajah Bongsu Adapati of Sulu, became Sulu Sultan Mawallil Wasit, married the sister of Sultan Saiful-Raijal Kho. 1570 - For lack of food supplies, Legaspi, who by now was appointed governor-general of the new Spanish colony, moved his seat to Capiz in Panay island Hearing of good reports about May Nilad, with its excellent seaport and fertile boondocks, Legaspi sent for his grandson, Juan deSalcedo and forty-five able men to explore the area, unfortunately, accomplished little because of fierce resistance from forces loyal to Rajah Suleiman. May 24, 1570 - Legaspi then sent marshall Martin Goiti, with seven-hundred Sugbuano mercenaries and 130 Spanish officers, to Lusong and stormed the May Nilad-fortress of Rajah Suleiman that left the Brunei Raja Muda with a disarrayed town, a hundred compatriots killed, and about eighty taken into captivity. - Rajah Suleiman was at this time in Lusong to promote the Quranic reading program of Brunei Sultan Raijal Three other fellow Brunei royalties were in May Nilad as his adjutants that included Rajah Nicoy, Rajah Kanduli, and Rajah Lakandula, a direct descendant of Alexander the Great, legend says. May 1571 - Legaspi himself led another invasion with twenty-seven vessels, two-hundred-eighty Spaniards and several hundred Visayan mercenaries. June 3, 1571 - Rajah Suleiman fought fiercely but succumbed to the guns and cannons of Legaspi Some three hundred warriors loyal to the Brunei Raja Muda perished. - According to Nichol, Rajah Suleiman fled this bloody encounter and Brunei Annals confirmed a Raja Muda no doubt Rajah Suleiman to have died on this day in Brunei Darussalam after returning from a battle with the Spaniards. June 24, 1571 - Legaspi founded May Nilad and ordered the Moro captives to built a Spanish-style walled city he called quotIntra-Morosquot along Ilog Pasig that became Spains first major structure in Asia. August 21, 1572 - Legaspi died in this Intra-Moros walled-city which is now known as Intramuros. 1574 - According to Medina Historia, a Brunei fleet of one-hundred galleys and one-hundred Aparaws, manned by 8,000 warriors, attacked May Nilad to requite Rajah Suleimans death but in time left after an evidential Spanish reinforcement from Iloilo. Nichol November 1574 - Chinese warlord Lin Tao Kien (Lim A-hong to Filipinos) attacked May Nilad but was forced by Spanish navy to retreat to Lingayen gulf where he finally settled and built his outpost at Sual. - Jolo folklore reported of a ALimahong who set sail by the Sulu Sea, even weighing anchor at Tanjung, before this foiled attack on May Nilad. March11, 1576 - Juan deSalcedo successfully explored the island of Lusong but died of fever at age twenty-seven. 1577 - Manila governor-general Francisco deSande sent a letter to Brunei Sultan Saif ul-Raijal to stop sending Muslim missionaries to southern Philippines. - Brunei Annals reported of Manila Spaniards attacks on Brunei Darussalam who loosely controlled it for three years to even out Sultan Raijals belligerent Islamic expansion to Sulu. aseanfocus H. R.H. Sultans Muhammed ul-Halim (Pangiran Budiman) (1558-1585) June,1578 - deSande dispatched captain Esteban Rodriguez de Figueroa, together with Jesuit priest Juan del Campo and Coadjutor Gaspar Gomez, to Jolo and, for the first time a European soul set foot on Sulu146s immortal soil The visit was not long as a compromise negotiation was reached between deFigueroa146s invaders and the Tausug leaders that forced the Sulu Sultan-de-facto Mohammed ul-Halim Pangiran Buddiman to pay Sulu Sea pearls as regular tribute. 1579 - Because of this successful trip, Manila Spanish government gave deFigueroa the sole right to colonize Mindanaw another captain Juan Arce deSadornil conducted a brief but disastrous campaign against the Moros of North Borneo and Sulu. December 1579 - Sir Francis Drake, tracing Magellans circum-navigational route westward, was careened on some islands north of Celebes Sea that cartographers believed were the Sulu archipelago group. H. R.H. Sultan Batara Shah Tangah (Pangiran Tindig) (1585-1600) 1593 - The first permanent Catholic mission in the Moroland was established by the Jesuits in Samboangan (Sama word for Sabuan, Adocking point) at Caldera bay (present-day Recodo). 1596 - Manila Spaniards made another war expedition to Jolo but was quashed by Rajah Bongsu, Adapati of Sulu (son of Brunei Sultan Muhammad Hassan from his Butuan wife). Kho November 1596 - Manila Spanish government sent Juan Ronquillo to build fortified military garrison in Tampakan to thwart Moro raids but abandoned it the following year in order to reposition itself to Caldera bay in Zamboanga Peninsula. 1598 - Another war expedition trial was dispatched to Jolo, however, the Manila Spaniards experienced severe drawback and returned to Manila leaving nothing to show for the visit. H. R.H. Sultan Mawallil Wasit (Rajah Bongsu) (1600-1640) 1600 - Spanish captain Juan Gallinato raided Jolo with two-hundred men - Panglima Abdullah of Talipao led an adventurous journey in seventy paraws that combed the southwestern coasts from Balanguingue in Tawi-Tawi to Samboangan Abdulla likewise attacked Christian Iloilo and burned and ransacked it. December 31,1600 - Queen Elizabeth I of England granted the British East India Company trading privileges in Asia by virtue of Charter signed today In 1609, King James I decreed to grant perpetuity to the Charter and, in 1688, King Charles II further granted sovereign right privileges that made repercussions in the 1878 Lease Agreement between the British East India Company and Sulu Sultan Kiram I. 1612 - Rajah Bongsu was installed sultan-de-facto of Sulu and named himself Sultan Mawallil Wasit He appointed Brunei Datu Acheh as his aide-de-camp because of his skills in helping unite the Sulu leaders. Kho 1627 - Datu Acheh, on official business in May Nilad for the Sultanate, was intercepted by Manila Spaniards on his way home In retaliation, Sultan Wasit led 2,000 Tausug warriors in raiding Spanish shipyards in Camarines south of May Nilad. Ang mga Pilipino 1628 - The Manila Spaniards returned the attack by organizing a raiding force of 200 Spanish officers and 1,600 Christian natives. 1629 - The Sultanate of Sulu sent anew another expedition under Datu Acheh to attack Spanish settlements in Camarines, Samar, Leyte and Bohol. March 17, 1630 - Spanish soldiers again attacked Jolo with 2,500 troops that saw the wounding of their commander Lorenzo de Olaso and retreated. 1631 - The Sulu warriors launched still another invasion, this time, targeted only on the Island of Leyte - the seat of Spanish power in the Visayas. 1632 - Maguindanaw Sultan Kudarat married the daughter of Sulu Sultan Wasit that cemented a stronger Two-Sultanate-Alliance. 1634 - The Two-Sultanate-Alliance mobilized a 1,500-warrior-contingent and attacked Spanish-controlled settlements in Dapitan, Leyte and Bohol. January 1635 - A Sulu Sultanates captive named Fray Juan Batista Vilancio escaped Jolo and surfaced before Manila governor-general Don Juan Cerezo Salamanca who reported of a Moro power concentration in the Zamboanga peninsula by forces of the two Sultanates. Aprill 6,1635 - Spanish captain Juan de Chaves was ordered to beachhead the south and established a military garrison in Samboangan, he named Bagumbayan, and became the forerunner of Ciudad de Zamboanga This garrison in Samboangan led to the beginning of the defeat of Kudarat146s feared admiral, Datu Tagal, who had raided several pueblos in the Visayas. June 23, 1635 - Salamanca next ordered a Jesuit-engineer-priest Melchor de Vera to lay a cornerstone for the construction of Real Fuerza de San Jose in Bagumbayan (present-day Fort Pilar). - After finishing his contract and on returning to Spain, he brought with him the impounded 147Coat-of-Arms148 of The Royal Sultanate of Sulu. 1636 - Datu Tagal, a brother of Kudarat, gathered a large fleet of Moro pirates from Mindanaw, Sulu, and North Borneo and looted the coastal islands of the Visayas. 1637 - Manila governor-general Sebastian Hurtado de Corcuera personally led an expedition against Kudarat and Tagal and triumphed over his forces at Lamitan and Lian. January 4,1638 - deCorcuera again led a war expedition of eighty ships and 2,000 Spaniards to Jolo but was foiled by Sultan Wasit however, due to an epidemic within his Acotta he and his datus were forced to seek refuge in Dungun Tawi-Tawi and the Spaniards freely occupied Jolo but again left in 1646 after a treaty of peace was signed between Malacanan and Sultan Nasir ud-Din. Ang mga Pilipino sa Ating Kasaysayan 1638-1640 - Records had it that Sulu Sultan Wasits many heroic battles during this period at Bud Datu in Jolo island against the Manila Spaniards were never lucidly recorded It was Wasit who named this hill to honor the bravery and unconditional loyalty of his datus. H. R.H. Sultan Nasir ud-Din (1640-1658) 1640 - In Pulangi Valley in Kota Bato, the lower valley (Si Ilud) controlled by Sultan Kudarat and the upper valley (Si Raya) controlled by Rajah Buhayen together with the turf of Rajah Buhisan around Lake Lanao (the Ranao Sultanates confederation) were merged to form the Sultanate of Maguindanaw March 25,1644 - Sulu Sultan Wasit dispatched his son Pangiran Salikula to bombard Jolo and Real Fuerza de San Jose in Bagumbayan with help from Dutch navy stationed in Batavia (present-day Indonesia) that droved deCorcuera 1645 - Wasit146s persistent raids wiped out the whole Spanish garrison in Jolo April 14,1646 - The Manila Spanish government signed a peace treaty with Sulu Sultan-de-facto Nasir ud-Din recognizing, among others, his sovereign rights to extend up to the Tawi-Tawi Group as far as Tup-Tup and Balabac islands. - A second batch of Jesuit priests were sent to Jolo during this period and start the permanent rooting of Roman Catholicism in Sulu Sulu Zone, Kho 1648 - The Treaty of Munster was signed between Spain and Netherlands to respect each others territories Spain to withdraw from Maluka and the Dutch from the Zamboanga Peninsula Sulu Zone, Kho 1649 - Under the direct command of Sultan Nasir the Spanish garrison in Jolo was finally exterminated H. R.H. Sultan Salah ud-Din (Karamat Baktiar) (1658-1663) June 1658 - Brunei Sultan Abdul Hakkul Mubin awarded Sulu Sultan-de-facto Salah ud-Din Bakhtiar the northeast coast of Borneo, including Palawan, for helping settle a civil war dispute against Pengeran Bongsu Muhyuddin May 6,1662 - According to records, Manila governor-general Sabiniano Manrique de Lara issued an evacuation order for Real Fuerza de San Jose in Bagumbayan and called all troops to reinforce May Nilad for an imminent attack by Chinese pirate Cheng Cheng-kung (Koxinga), but the truth of the matter was they were driven away by Sulu warriors during these previous years and allowing the forces of Kudarat to sequester it in 1663 - Friction between the ruling royalties of Brunei and Sulu led Camucones Badjaos to shift their loyalty to the Sultan of Sulu Kho H. R.H. Sultans Sahab ud-Din amp Mustafa Shafi146 ud-Din (1663-1704) 1663-1718 - According to historian C. A. Majul, this is a Period of Interrregnum in which Manila Spanish government abandoned all its settlement and pretensions in Mindanao and Sulu 1667 - Jesuit historian Francisco Combe wrote the first History of Mindanaw and Sulu covering the period from 1620 to1665 1673-1690 - The reign of Brunei Sultan Pengeran Bongsu Muhyuddin saw his hegemony breaking down that eventually phased out his Sultanate146s 150-year control of the Sulu and return royal powers back to the Sulu sultans 1699 - Melaka Sultan Mahmoud Shah was murdered in Kampar Sumatra ending the colorful Melaka Malay Sultanate 1701 - Sulu Sultan Mustafa Shaif ud-Din departed for a courtesy call to the new Sultanate of Maguindanaw in sixty-eight 147paraws,148 but unfortunately, guardsman Kutai misinterpreted it as an invasion who forced closed the Rio Grande in Kota Bato and embarrassed the Sulu royalties A long and fierceful fight ensued. 1703 - Sulu Sultan Shaif bestowed Palawan upon Mindanaw Sultan Kudarat but which same piece of land was ceded anew to the Manila Spanish government in 1705 H. R.H. Sultan Badar ud-Din I (1704-1734) 1717 - Sulu Sultan Badar ud-Din sent an emissary to Imperial China to enlist her support for military assistance A similar request was duplicated in 1733 1718-1772 Fifth Stage of Moro Wars (Majul) 1718 - Moro wars were resized when Manila governor-general Juan Antonio dela Torre Bustamante resolved to reconstruct Real Fuerza de San Jose in Bagumbayan, and added to each corner sides citadels embossing the names of Catholic saints San Luis, San Francisco Xavier, San Felipe, and San Fernando - The fort was renamed Real Fuerza del Pilar deZaragosa perpetuating the name of the Manila-Acapulco galleon ship that sunk off Guam early that year and also renamed Bagumbayan to Ciudad deZamboanga 1719 - Manila Spanish government dispatched a group of AChavacano-speaking Merdicans to Ciudad deZamboanga (The Merdicans originally were brought in from Ternate and Tidore in the Celebes in 1663) April 16,1719 - Don Fernando Bustillos Bustamante Rueda, senior maestro de campo in Ciudad deZamboanga, inaugurated Real Fuerza del Pilar de Zaragosa (better known as Fort Pilar to Jolo Christians and Moslems alike) December 08, 1720 - Fort Pilar was stormed by Butig Rajah Dalasi with an armada of one hundred 147paraws148 He captured a local Jesuit priest and forced Manila Spanish government to give ransom payment in exchange for his freedom December 1720 - Sulu Sultan Badar directed Datu Bendahara and Datu Nakhuda to Batavia to renew an appeal for Dutch military assistance, and together with forces from the Sultanate of Maguindanaw, attacked Fort Pilar but was foiled 1721 - Manila governor-general Toribio Cosio sent Fray Antonio de Roxas to Ciudad deZamboanga to negotiate for the release of kidnapped Jesuit priest December 11,1726 - Sulu Sultan Badar signed with Manila Spanish government another peace treaty which provisions were unclear 1731 - By decree of a Ming emperor, the remaining 300 survivors of Sulu East King Paduka Batara, now christened as Chinese Wen and Ang families, were assimilated into mainstream Chinese society that made perpetually alive a Tausug bloodline in that part of the world - Manila governor-general F. Valdez y Timon sent Ignacio Iriberri to recapture Jolo with a regiment of 1,000-strong Spanish soldiers H. R.H. Sultan Nassar ud-Din (1734-1735) December 6, 1734 - The 1726 peace treaty fell apart when the new Sulu Sultan Nasar ud-Din attempted to recapture Fort Pilar in Ciudad deZamboanga and to possess Taytay in Palawan. 1735 - Manila Spaniards struck back by invading Jolo that drove Sultan Nasars court to Dungun in Tawi-Tawi for the second time. H. R.H. Sultan Mohammad Alim ud-Din I (Amir ul-Mumimin/King Ferdinand I) (1735-1748) 1735 - Sulu Annals remembered Sultan Alim I as one who had revised the Sulu Code of Laws and prepared a Tausug-Arabic vocabulary manual for use by his Courts religious imams and aleems. February 1, 1737 - Sultan Alim I signed a bilateral alliance treaty with Manila governor-general F. Valdez y Tamon that provided for permanent peace in the region - King Philip V of Spain sent a delegation of Jesuit priests to Jolo to spread Roman Catholicism Sultan Alim ud-Din befriended these 147haram148 which which displeased his brother Bantilan, the Rajah Muda and seized powers from him - Sultan Alim I sought the help of Ciudad deZamboanga governor Abando who in turn transferred him to the care of F. Valdez y Tamon in Manila - Plant scientist M. de Tremegon, under the dictates of M. Poivre of the Isle of France, explored Jolo for spice plants. H. R.H. Sultan Muiz ud-Din (Rajah Muda Bantilan) (1748-1763) 1748 - In the absence of Sultan Alim I, Rajah Muda Bantilan ascended the throne and named himself Sultan Muiz ud-Din and abrogated the 1737 peace treaty. 1749 - Meanwhile in Malacanang, now under governor-general Arrechderra, exiled Sultan Alim I was made a Roman Catholic and conferred the Christian title of King Ferdinand I of Sulu. - To cast away the shame put upon the Sulu Sultanate, Sultan Alim I146s daughter Fatima sought for his release in exchange for sixty Spaniards held prisoners in Jolo. 1750 - Sultan Muiz led roaring raids against the Spanish settlements in the whole of Visayas Ang mga Pilipino. - Brunei Sultan Omar Ali Saif ud-Dein similarly ordered attacks on Manila. April 29,1750 - After being reinstated as Sultan by Malacanang, he was arrested on his way back to Jolo under the orders of governor-geneal Zacarias. July 12,1751 - Sultan Alim ud-Din was returned to the care of the Zamboanga governor after fifteen years of exile in Fort Santiago. December 21,1751 - A furious Manila governor-general F. Valdez y Tamon issued a decree that ordered: (1) The extermination of all Moros with fire and sword (2) The destruction of all their crops and desolate their lands (3) Make Moro captives (4) Recover Christian slaves and (5) Exempt all Christians from payment of any taxes and tributes while engaged in the termination of these Moros. 1754 - Three Jesuit priests led by Fray Jose Ducos engaged themselves in an evangelistic mission to Jolo and established a Catholic congregation. - For the first time Ajihad was exercised by the Sultan of Mindanaw upon the Maestro de Campo of Real Fuerza del Pilar de Zaragosa in Zamboanga for seizing his goods without due notice. March 3,1754 - The Manila Spanish government signed another peace treaty with Sultan Muiz ud-Din. 1755 - A Manila Spanish contingent of 1,900 men led by captains Simeon Valdez and Pedro Gastambide was sent to Jolo to avenge for the raids carried out by self-proclaimed Sultan Muiz ud-Din. 1761 - Alexander Dalrymple, Madras representative of the British East India Company, concluded an agreement with self-proclaimed Sultan Muiz ud-Din that permitted him to set up a trading post in Balembangan island in Kudat North Borneo, a territory of the Sultanate of Sulu H. R.H. Sultan Alim ud-Din (Amir ul-Mumimin) (1763-1773, 2nd Ascension) 1763 - Dalrymple maliciously renamed Balembangan island and hoisted the British flag to the ire of Sultan Muiz ud-Din - Madras British East India Company sent another officer, John Herbert, to build a settlement in Balembangan but which plan was abandoned in 1775 - British soldiers invaded and successfully captured May Nilad - The British restored an exiled Sulu Sultan Alim ud-Din I to his throne in Jolo - As gesture of gratitude, Sulu Sultan Alim ud-Din I leased his dominion in North Borneo to a British company for exclusive trading privileges and signed a mutual defense pact with the British Crown that included the establishment of a military base in Sulu 1769 - Sultan Alim ud-Din I ordered the continuous foraging of Visayas and Luzon, even raiding Malate, just outside of Spanish Intramuros, and carried off thousands of captives to be sold in the slave markets of Batavia, Malaka, and Tamasek 1771 - Sultan Alim ud-Din declared a jihad against the Manila Spaniards for having unlawfully detained him on his way home from May Nilad at Real Fuerza del Pilar de Zaragosa in Zamboanga H. R.H. Sultan Isirail (1773-1778) 1775 - Datu Tating in twenty vessels with 4,000 pirates assaulted the British military base in Sulu and carted away booty amounting to US1,000,000 including an enormous supply of war materials H. R.H. Sultans Alim ud-Din II, Sarap ud-Din amp Alim ud-Din III (1778-1808) 1796 - Spanish admiral Jose Alava was sent from Madrid with the most powerful naval fleet to combat Moro piratical attacks in the Sulu Sea 1798 - Real Fuerza del Pilar de Zaragosa in Ciudad deZamboanga was bombarded by the British navy coming from its military base in Sulu 1803 - Lord Arthur Wellesley, governor-general of India, ordered Robert J. Fraquhar to turn Balembangan island in Borneo into a military station, however, for lack of logistics, abandoned it in November 1805 1805 - The British government withdrew her military base in Sulu H. R.H. Sultans Ali ud-Din amp Shakir ul-Lah (1808-1823) 1821 - ALas Islas Felipinas was now directly administered from Madrid after Mexico won her independence from Spain H. R.H. Sultan Jamal ul-Kiram I (1823-1844) 1824 - Spanish captain Alonso Morgado commanded frigate AMarina Sutil that fought the Moro pirates in the Sulu Sea - The Manila Spanish treasury decreed that all Islas Felipinas provinces, excepting Mindanaw and Sulu, be required to pay ADonativo deZamboanga, an annual tax-payment of one ganta of rice or one half real 1831 - Ciudad de Zamboanga was declared a free port 1836 - American trader G. W. Earl sailed to Jolo to barter guns, powder, and rifles in exchange for Sulu146s tortoise shells and Palawan146s birds nests February 5,1842 - American captain Charles Wilkes landed in Jolo and signed the first-ever US-documented peace amp trade treaty with Sultan Jamal ul-Kiram I April 23,1843 - France signed a AMost-Favored Nation treaty with Sultan Jaml ul-Kiram I including negotiating to buy Basilan island for its commercial and naval base, however, the US1Million asking price left the deal invalidate Orosa, Kho H. R.H. Sultan Mohammad Pulalun (1844-1862) 1844 - Manila governor-general Narciso Claveria led another war expedition to Jolo October1844 - Macao-based French admiral Cecille attempted to double-cross Sultan Pulalun and sent for captain Guerin on a frigate Sabine to reconnaissance Basilan. In their clumsiness, ensign Meynard and four other sailors were captured by the Yakans including one fatally killed. Embarrased, the French blockaded Basilan and blamed Datu Usak for depredations made against them January 13, 1845 - Datu Usuk declared Atotal independence viz-a-viz Spain Februrary 20,1845 - Sulu Sultan Pulalun ceded Basilan to France in exchange for 500,000 francs which was payable in September but the French navy under Cecille instead took it by force and attacked Basilan on February 27 and destroyed all its croplands that angered the Yakans. June 30,1845 - The French cabinet approved the annexation of Basilan but was reversed by King Phillipe in deference of Spain whose House of Bourbons/Orleans his wife is a part of. December 1, 1845 - English traveler William Edwards narrated in his Diary of Ahis tongue cut out of (my) mouth on my passage home from the coast of China, to Liverpool by Ilanun pirates who gathered slaves and sold them in Sumatra and Java. Balani pirates, who were based in Jolo, attacked Spanish vessels using 60-seater-corocoro fitted with outriggers and powered by either sail or oar with displacements of 81 tones. 1846 - By winning the 1844 battle, the Sultan prized the Manila Spaniards the towns of Sibuguey and Bisungan in the Zamboanga Peninsula 1848 - Claveria ordered the attack on Balanni pirates in Tonguil Sulu with powerful gunboats Magallanes, El Cano, and Reina de Castilla acquired from Madrid and started the decline of the Sulu Sultanate sea power November 21,1849 - Claveria issued CATALOGO ALFABETICO DE APELLIDOS and ordered its use and systematic distribution by native Filipinos throughout the colony but was never introduced to subjects of Sulu Sultanate 1850 - Spanish Gov. Gen. Juan Urbiztondo successfully completed the destruction of the pirate stronghold on Tongkil island February 28, 1851 - Urbiztondo raided Jolo and destroyed the whole town by fire and confiscated 112 pieces of artillery - Jesuits fathers Ibanez, Zamora, Sanchez, Lopez, and Montiel lost their lives during this fiery raid April 19, 1851 - Sultan Mohammad Pulalun signed a treaty with the Spanish Crown that provided for the turning over of his sovereign rights although Saleeby noted that the words Aturning over its sovereignty was never mentioned in the Tausug version of the treaty April 30, 1851 - As a consequence of the April 19, 1851 Treaty, Sultan Pulalun negotiated with Urbiztondo forSpain to pay US1,500 annually to the Court of the Sulu Sultanate and abolish all sorts of taxes amp tributes on his subjects - In Manila, fray Roman Martines Vigil justified the Spanish raids in Jolo as Ajust wars which position he was able to raise 20 Million-pesos from Chinese capitalists to further these wars 1852 - Spanish Queen Isabella II ordered the Jesuits to take charge of all Catholic missions in Mindanaw and Sulu 1858 - Moro pirates attacked Real Fuerza del Pilar de Zaragosa in Zamboanga in the hope of possessing the fort 1860 - The Donativo deZamboanga was abolished - Manila Spanish government closed Jolo to foreign vessels and guarded its port with eighteen steam boats in an attempt to control piracy in Sulu. - Balanni and Ilanun pirates were destroyed by a joint Spanish-British naval forces patrolling the Sulu-China-Celebes Seas triangle 1862 - Gallant Catholic Jesuits opened missions in Tetuan (Zamboanga) and Isabela (Basilan) to supplement Spanish conquests with military might H. R.H. Sultan Jamal ul-Alam (1863-1881) 1864 - A German sea captain employed by the Labuan German Trading Company named Herman Leopold Schuck called on the port of Jolo for provisions and to repair sails of his barque, the Queen of the Seas made a courtesy call on Sulu Sultan Jamal ul-Alam and promised to supply M-71 Mauser infantry rifles, opium, and slaves. 1865 - North Borneo American consul Claude Lee Moses obtained a 10-year-lease on North Borneo from Sultan Jamal ul-Alam, however, Moses sold his rights to a British-registered American Trading Company owned by J. W. Torrey, T. B. Harris, et. al. This American company in turn sold the same to the Austrian consul in Hongkong, Baron von Overbeck, for whom he contracted the Dent Brothers, through Alfred Dent, to finance its expansion plans. 1872 - Schuck sent a letter of Sultan Jamal ul-Alam to German chancellor Otto von Bismarch, together with gifts of pearls and pearl shells, seeking Germany146s protection. In exchange, the Sultanate was willing to cede Bongao to Germany as a coaling station for her Far East Imperial Fleet. - Cabesang Benito with sixty-seven other inmates bolted Fort Pilar in Ciudad deZamboanga killing one Spanish officer and four sentinels that frustrated Zamboanga governor Juan Mas Ozaeta. - Iranun corsair Alejo Alvarez of Sibuguey, together with Spanish colonel Melanio Enriquez, were engaged by governor Ozaeta to clear Fort Pilar - Manila Spanish government awarded Ciudad de Zamboanga the royal title of ALeal y Valiente Villa for clearing Fort Pilar and made a son of Alejo Alvarez, Vicente, a deputy in Malacanang. - Vicente Alvarez subsequently became a peace negotiator for Malacanang with the Sulu Sultanate in whose ability Sultan Jamal ul-Alam was also please and bestoed in him the title of Datu Tumanggung Alvarez later joined the army of Philippine Insurrection leader Emilio Aguinaldo and became a general. January 1, 1874 - The Charter of the British East India Company was canceled and the company dissolved when the East India Stock Dividend Redemption Act came into effect. Februayr 21, 1876 - Admiral Jose Malcampo led a contingent of 9,000 Spaniards, including hundreds of priests and nuns, in 11 transports, 11 gunboats, and 11 steam boats to Aannex Jolo but failed this mission when Sultan Jamal ul-Alam declared a jihad on them and ordered his loyal subjects to use Aparrang sabbilas a last recourse to regain control of Jolo. - Successful in temporarily penetrating Jolo, Malcampo then appointed Capt. Pascual Cervera to set up a garrison and serve as the first Spanish military governor He served from March 1876 to December1876 followed by Brig. Gen. Jose Paulin (December 1876-April 1877) and Col Carlos Martinez (Sept 1877-Feb 1880). 1877 - Brunei Annals recorded Sultan Abdul Momin to have signed a treaty leasing North Borneo to the British Crown which was inconsistent with Sulu history that a similar act was also concluded on January 22, 1878 March.1877 - The Sulu Protocol was signed between Spain, England, and Germany that recognized Spains rights over Sulu and, in consideration for the said lease of North Borneo, ended European hostilities in the area 1878 - Manila Spaniards built the Walled City of Jolo which was fortified by two outer forts they named Picesa de Asturias and Torre dela Reina including three inner forts called Puerta Blockaus, Puerta Espana, and Puerta Alfonso XII Also included were lancerias which were guarded by twelve Spanish soldiers commanded by a lieutenant January 22,1878 - In exchange for US5,000, Sultan Jamal ul-Alam leased North Borneo to the Hong Kong-based British trading company of Baron Gustavos von Overbeck and Alfred Dent and conferred upon Overbeck the title Datu Bendahara, Raja of Sandakan K. B. Tregoning, A History of Modern Sabah/Agoncillo history of the Filipino People July 22, 1878 - Sultan Jamal ul-Alam signed a treaty with the Spanish Crown making whole of Sulu a protectorate of Spain yet retained her autonomy and the privilege to fly own flag thus saved Jolo from further destruction. Majul Muslim in the Philipppines/Kho - Sultan Jamal ul-Alam moved the seat of the Sultanate to Darul Maimbung 1880 - Spanish Col. Rafael Gonzales deRivera assumed the governorship of Jolo and dispatched the 6th Regiment to Siasi and Bongao islands H. R.H. Sultan Badar ud-Din II (1881-1886) 1881 - An accomplished negotiator, pacifist, and master of Arabic language and the Koran, Hajji Butu Abdulbaqui Rasul was appointed the first and only prime minister of the Royal Sultanate of Sulu November 1, 1881 - The British Crown awarded Alfred Dent a provisional Charter to form the British North Borneo Provisional Association, Ltd. - Brunei Sultan Abdul Momin awarded Sarawak to an English adventurer named Sir Charles Brooke who later became known as the White Rajah 1882 - The holdings, assets, and Royal Charter of the BNB Provisional Association, Ltd. were bequeathed and transferred to the British North Borneo Chartered Company with Sir Rutherford Alcock serving as first president and Alfred Dent as managing director BNBCC served the British Crown for sixty years until 1945 when the latter finally took over 1883 - Manila Spanish government established a customs house in Ciudad de Zamboanga to clear goods coming into the Sultanate of Sulu but, on the insistence of the British, Jolo was declared a free port and trade continued July 22, 1883 - Sulu Annals reported three unnamed A juramentado who succeeded in penetrating Jolo town plaza and massacred Lts. Pedro Bordas and Caledonio Manrique, and Dr. Juan Dominguez in the name of Allah The word Ajuramentado was coined by Spanish colonel Juan Arolas after witnessing several such acts while serving duty in Jolo garrison. 1884 - Sultan Badar ud-Din II built Masjid Jammi Tulay Mosque in Jolo. 1886 - The Crown of the Sultanate was disputed between Rajah Muda Amir ul-Kiram of Maimbung and Datu Ali ud-Din of Patikul but the Spanish Manila government involved herself in the power struggle and chose Palawan Datu Harun al-Rashid as its candidate. H. R.H. Sultan Harun al-Rashid (1886-1893) September 24, 1886 - Datu Harun al-Rashid was crowned Sultan of Sulu by the Manila governor-general Juan Terrero in a Christian investiture in Malacanang 1887 - Terrero paid a courtesy call on Sulu Sultan al-Rashid in Jolo April 16, 1887 - Immediately after said visit, spanish colonel Juan Arolas was instructed to capture Darul Maimbung, seat of the Sulu Sultanate, for the Spanish Crown 1888 - Brunei Sultan brought the rump of his territories under the British Crown North Borneo became a British Protectorate Brunei became a British protected state. H. R.H. Sultan Jamal ul-Kiram I (Amir ul-Kiram/King Jubilado dePalawan) (1893-1936) 1893 - Sultan Harun al-Rashid abdicated his throne to cousin Rajah Muda Amir ul - Kiram for his failure to save Darul Maimbung that placed the Manila Spanish government plans in shambles - Rajah Muda Amir ul-Kiram transferred the seat of the Sultanate to Palawan and briefly named himself King Jubilado de Palawan (he was to be known later as Sultan Jamal ul-Kiram I) - Fray Jose Cavelleria sailed round the island of Basilan whose revered ruler was King Taguima, a cousin of Mindanaw Sultan Kudarat December 30, 1896 - La Liga Filipina founder Dr. Jose P. Rizal was executed by the Spaniards at Bagumbayan in Manila September 21, 1897 - Around 1:17pm an earthquake hit the Sulu Sea about the area of Zamboanga and Basilan that was as destructive as the Krakatoa quake - During its final calm, a woman in white clothes with hands lifted up, was allegedly seen by thousands of spectators in Ciudad de Zamboanga by the Basilan Strait as if to order the impendent Atsunami to halt This action, according to legend, saved Ciudad de Zamboanga from full-size destruction and made this lady a revered saint of Fort Pilar February 25, 1898 - Commodore George Dewey, commander of the U. S. Asiatic Squadron, received a secret cable from Navy assistant secretary Theodore Roosevelt to proceed to Manila April 22, 1898 - U. S. president William McKinley signed the Volunteer Army Act that activated the First Volunteer Cavalry (the 147Rough Riders148), and appointed Theodore Roosevelt, a lieutenant-colonel, its first commander April 23, 1898 - Manila governor-general Basilio Augustin y Davila issued a proclamation announcing the defeat of Spain in the Battle of San Juan and the approach of commodore Dewey from Hongkong May 1, 1898 - Dewey secured Manila after the defeat of Spanish Admiral Patricio Montojo y Parasan at the Battle of Manila Bay This feat led the U. S. Congress to promote Dewey to Rear Admiral on May 10, 1898 and again to Navy Admiral on March 13, 1899 June 12, 1898 - Filipino Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo declared Philippine independence from Spain in Kawit Cavite with U. S. army artillery commander Col. L. M. Johnson as the only American official to witness the occasion. June 23, 1898 - Aguinaldo declared a Revolutionary Congress in Malolos Bulacan June 30, 1898 - Arrival in Cavite of the first installment of 2,500 U. S. Volunteer Cavalry troops under Gen. Thomas M. Anderson that included the 14th infantry, 1st California, and 2nd Oregon Also with the troops were military hardware of 400-ton-ammunition for Deweys three ships (City of Peking, City of Sydney, and Australia) July 25, 1898 - Arrival of Gen. Wesley Merritt to assume overall command of the U. S. expeditionary forces in the Philippines August 14, 1898 - Occupation of Manila by U. S. forces under Merritt August 22, 1898 - Gen. Elwell Otis replaced Merritt as overall commander of U. S. expeditionary forces in the Philippines October 26, 1898 - U. S. president McKinley instructed the his peace commission to annex the Philippine Islands after conferring with Presbyterian advisers November 21, 1898 - U. S. peace commissioners presented an ultimatum to the Spanish Crown for the signing the Treaty of Paris - During negotiations, U. S. State Secretary William R Day, 147recommended a payment of 25million taking into account the defeated adversarys bankruptcy and loss of colonial revenues. if necessary was prepared to leave Mindanao and Sulu to Spain,148 while Whitelaw Ried on the other hand, 147wanted to take all the Philippines, basing his policy on the principle of indemnity. If compromise becomes necessary, he proposed to leave Mindanao and the Sulus to Spain in return for the Ladrones and the Carolines148 (clear indicators that Sulu should have not been part of Spains ceased territories) THE AMERICAN BENEVOLENT ASSIMILATION December 10, 1898 - Treaty of Paris was signed in Washington DC between the United States and Spain December 21, 1898 - McKinley issued a proclamation calling for a Philippine colonial policy of benevolent assimilation December 31, 1898 - McKinley instructed his War Department to extend military governance to the entire Philippine Islands Januart 4, 1899 - Otis issued a proclamation declaring the Philippines Islands under the sovereign and complete control of the United States of America January 23, 1899 - Aguinaldo proclaimed the establishment of the First Philippine Republic at Malolos Bulacan and declared himself president April 1899 - HRH Sultan Jamal ul-Kiram I (may his soul rest in peace), the last and truly sovereign-reigning sultan of The Royal Sultanate of Sulu, died in his peace at his Astana Putih in Darul Maimbung, Lupah Sug, Bangsamoro. This Historical Time-line is envisioned to portray The Royal Sultanate of Sulu as a free, independent, and sovereign nation separated from Las Islas Felipinas that had been constantly attacked by Western colonists and subdued by various tactics that, between 1565 and 1898 alone, 333 years in all, only eleven assaults were successfully made from Fort Santiago in Manila by the Spanish Audiencia forces. These war expeditions exclude earlier attempts made by Buddhist Srivijaya, Hindu Madjapahit, and Chinese Ming Empires, and by the British, French, German, and Portuguese armies and navies. In all these long struggles, the Spanish Walled City of Jolo was the only part of the territory of the Royal Sultanate of Sulu that was taken and garrisoned by Spanish war freaks for about 31 years only compared with the Mabarakat Panghu Tausug of four-hundred-fifteen years. This is the Bangsa Moro struggle, they ought to be free like the free peoples of the world Wassalam. Bara, Hannibal. History of the Muslim in the Philippines, NCCA, 1999 Cabel, O. A. Local Governance and Public Administration: The Sulu Experience, 1990 Che Man, W. K. Muslim Separatism: The Moros of Southern Philippines and the Malays of Southern Thailand, Quezon City: AdM U Press, 1990 Criveli, Camillus. Catholic Encyclopedia, XV, Robert Appleton Co, 1912 Gowing, P. G. Mandate in Moroland, American Government of Muslim Filipinos, 1899-1920 Gowing, P. G. and Robert McAmis. The Muslim Filipinos: Their History, Society, and Contemporary Problems, Manila: La Solidaridad Publishing House, 1974. Kho, Madge. Chronology of Moro Resistance ltpweb. netcomgt Majul, Cesar A. Muslim in the Philippines, Quezon City: UP Press, 1973 Montemayor, M. S. Saga of a German Sea Captain, Manila Bulletin, 08.30.2000 Orosa, Sixto Y. The Sulu Archipelago and Its People, NY: World Book Co. 1970 Saleeby, N. History of Sulu, Manila: Bureau of Printing, 1966 Tan, Samuel K. The Filipino Muslim Armed Struggle, 1900-1972, Makati: Filipinas Foundation, 1977 Tregoning, K. B. A History of Modern Sabah, 1881-1963 Hurley, Vic. Swish of the Kris, 1997 bakbakan

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